Sunday, April 10, 2011


MATRIC: NO PGD/10/01/2069



The Websites below are examined on the basis of the following; Style, Presentation of News, use of elements of News, Transition, the Links, Pictures and Aesthetics.
1)      http:/ – Channels Television
·         News Style: formal, well structured sentences, use of “Nut graphs”, “Straight-news lead” usually starts with “WHO”.
·         News Presentation: Good use of News elements; balanced and fair reporting but late update of news on site (24hrs late). Good representation of various sectors of the economy and the segments of the offline news on Television (Local News, Election News, Politics, Business, Health, Sports, Infotech Update, Travels and Entertainment). Use of Headlines, Sub-head, Lead or Intro (Lead-and-Summary Design). Good use of News in Brief, News Bar, Wrap up, Slugs and Datelines. Fair use of Advisory line (EDS NOTE or Trash line).
·         Pictures: Good use of pictures (a picture to every story), good motion (active) pictures, but not so bright pictures.
·         Links/Transition: Effective links to other pages/sites. Quick auto- transitory images. The Live Broadcast online un-accessible (continuous loading)
·         Aesthetics: Attractive color graphics and combination. A good blend of red, white and sky blue (the Channels TV color).
·         Homepage: Does not contain enough information about the Station.

1) – Punch newspapers
·         News Style: formal, well structured sentences, fair use of “ Nut graphs”
·         News Presentation: Application of the elements of News (especially timely update of news online), fair use of slugs, a good representation of the segments of the hard copy.
·         Pictures: A fairly good use of pictures to stories. Creative use of active (motion) pictures in “photos of the week”. Bright pictures.
·         Links/Transition: Links open directly to fresh pages rather than first display on the homepage. A creative use of Blog. Experiences transition delays.
·         Aesthetics: Bright pages but not so colorful (less color graphics). A good use of punch red (dominant).
·         Homepage: Contains enough information about the organization and links.

2) – Nigeria Union of Journalists

·     Presentation: Creative use of audio National Anthem to usher the Homepage. Lacks sufficient information and links.
·     Pictures: lacks pictures
·     Links/Transition: Few links with sluggish transition.
·     Aesthetics: Not so attractive/colorful. Over dominance of Green color.
·     Homepage: Contains enough information about the organization.

3)      http://www.afdevinfo.comRaypower 100.5 FM Lagos

·         Pictures: Lacks pictures
·         Links/Transition: A good number of links but with security checks, making online listening to Live Radio from the desktop not easily accessible
·         Aesthetics: Not attractive
·         Homepage: Mainly text containing links

4)      http// – Qasim Olalere Akinreti

·         Style: Well structured
·         Presentation: Logical arrangement of information
·         Pictures: Good picture quality
·         Links/Transition: Effective links with quick transition. Excellent use of Social Network platforms (Skype, Face Book, Flick , you tube, blogger)
·         Aesthetics: Less attractive, Use of dull color, over dominance of brown color
·         Homepage: Sufficient information. 


MATRIC NO: PGD/10/01/2069



                                 A Professional Journalist in action.
A journalist collects and disseminates information about current events, people, trends, and issues.  His or her work is acknowledged as journalism. Reporters are one type of journalist. They create reports as a profession for broadcast or publication in mass media such as newspapers, television, radio, magazines, documentary film, and the internet. Reporters find sources for their work, their reports can be either spoken or written, and they are often expected to report in the most objective and unbiased way to serve the public good. A columnist is a journalist who writes pieces that appear regularly in newspapers on magazines.
Depending on the context, the term journalist also includes various types of editors and visual journalists, such as photographers, graphic artists, and page designers.
Foremost in the minds of most practicing journalist’s is the issue of maintaining credibility. Professional integrity is the cornerstone of a journalist’s credibility

A citizen Journalist in action.
This is a person who practices journalism without training in the profession. They practice citizen journalism. Citizen journalism is also known as public participatory, democratic or street journalism. It is the concept of which members of the public playing active role in the process of collecting, reporting and disseminating news/ information. The intent of this information is to provide independent, reliable, accurate, wide range of relevant information which a democracy required.
Citizen journalism shouldn’t be confused with community journalism or civic journalism which is practiced by professional journalist. It is a specific form of citizen media as well as user – generated content. The idea behind citizen journalism is that people won’t go through journalism training but can use the tool of modern technology from the internet to create augment or fact - check media on their own. E.g. you might write about a city council meeting on your blog or in your on – line forum. You can snap a digital photo of a newsworthy event happening in your town and post it on your sight as U – tube. According to John Rosen, Citizen Journalist, the people formerly known audience who were on the receiving end of media system which ran one way, whit high entry fees and a few firm competing to speak is looking while the rest of the population listen in isolation whit one another and who today are in a situation like that at all.
According to Mark Glaser many eye witnesses account of the terrorist attack on the world trade centre come from citizen journalist. Images and stories from citizen journalist close to the World Trade Centre offered correct information and played a major role in the story.
CRITICISIM: Citizen Journalist may be an activist within a community they write about. This has drawn some criticism form the traditional media institution. Many traditional journalist view citizen journalist with some scaptism. They believe only trained journalist can understand the ethics in reporting news.
http// citizen _journalism

‘REPENT OR PERISH’, Evanglist Tells Ikeja Residents.
Photo by Ugochukwu Eluwah
This was the message of the mobile preacher who just stopped under the Ikeja flyover beaming his sermon to ever ready ‘inquisitive’ lagosians. He is of the opinion that our men of God have failed God in their duty. They have left the things of God and are now in pursuit of fame and finance.
The consequence is that God has stopped speaking to them and is now raising preachers like him to take the gospel to the masses and have them saved. He said that God is not a respecter of persons, but in every city those obey and serve Him in truth and righteousness He works with.
Why does the devil always go after anointed men that were genuinely chosen by God to disgrace them and make the word of God of no effect?
How does the devil convince them to close their heart and mind against God and do those things they once preached against?
In the bible you made Moses a man that has the single honor to speak with God face to face not to enter the Promised Land due to anger.
You pushed King David a man after God’s heart to deliberately commit adultery and in a bid to cover it up committed murder.
You caused the wisest man on earth King Solomon, the son of King David to turn his heart against God, later when he came back to his senses, he lamented, “vanity upon vanity, all is vanity” The list is inexhaustible, time and space will not permit me to go on and on.
Now, how does this concern the men of God in Nigeria? I believe these men of God have read the Bible’s account of the rise and fall of their counterparts in the Holy Book, they read of the rise and fall of churches, they have also read books written by other men of God, they have themselves written and preached about the same issue, how come that they do not want to hid to wise council and retrace their steps and go back to their original calling which I know is to win souls for Christ. I read a book titled God’s General by Robert Liardon and I am sure that almost all the General Overseers/Superintendents in this country must have read the book. Here is extracts from the book about John Alexander Dowie – “The Healing Apostle” “Dowie’s leadership was gaining a strong National influence. Seeing his Potential and knowing his stand, the Temperance Society (His Church) members asked him to run for parliament. At first he opposed the idea. But he LATER changed his mind, thinking he could possible influence more in the political arena and decided to enter the race.  Dowie suffered a SOUND DEFEAT in the election. The local newspapers that have been so damaged by his ministry waged an all-out attack against him. The (old) politicians and alcoholic beverage industries paid untold amounts to money to see him slandered and defeated. After the election, Alexander Dowie had wounded his CHURCH and disgraced his ministry.  (He knows or decided not to know) The apostolic and Political don’t mix. Dowie with his calling should never have resorted to political life style. If it did not work in Chicago it definitely will not work in Nigeria. Politics in Nigeria is a dirty game; you don’t play it with ‘white shirt’. Our men of God should been at the background bombarding heaven with prayers.
Robert Liardon also went further to say of Dowie regarding ZION city which He built and gave out for people on lease.  “Dowie unveiled the architectural plans for ZION (city) at the new year’s Eve watch night service on January 1, 1900. His business ability was praised by his people and the SECULAR world for starting the ZION LAND INVESTMENT ASSOCIATION. Although Liardon did not state this, I believe that had Zion city been in Nigeria General overseers would have made provision for a shopping mall and a first class university. It will also have a magnificent ‘DELEVRANCE CHTHEDRAL’ which will cost #35 Billion (thirty – five billion naira only) that is when valued in Nigerian currency. A part of Zion city will house a television Station to be used to “reach” the perishing world. Zion city must have a micro Finance Bank to make sure the ministry’s money does not go to unbeliever’s hand. Then a private jet will be acquired to help our ministry travel across the globe for evangelism, since it’s cheaper. ‘ Haba’, are we still going to heaven? Are we still strangers and pilgrims on earth? Are this world and its content still reserved for fire at the end of time? Devil, you are a liar; The Almighty God will deliver us from your grip.
Could it be that God has stopped talking to pastors inside the churches in Nigeria, and is now talking to a new generation of preachers, from the grass root, some of who uses mobile church as was seen recently at Ikeja round about. The mobile church has all it takes to be a church. There is offering box, prayer request box, and time for counseling. There is GSM number for you to send distress call in case of emergency. God can use any body. He stopped talking to Prophet Eli, and shifted to little Samuel the servant without his knowing about it. (I Samuel 3:9) I have a feeling that these ministers of God now know that God has stopped talking to them, that is why they are using human knowledge, and the gift of God still in them since God’s gift is of no repentance to still keep their congregation. To secure their feature and their family in case the church fails, they now go into business venture, trying to outdo the business men. Some of them might be wondering why FOBRES have not enlisted them as African richest men. One of them recently said on tape “my prayer request is that God will give me a PRIVATE JET to enable me spread the gospel  as other ministers of God in Nigeria and abroad”.
Finally, I want to appeal to our ministers of God to do a stock taking of their activities and life style and make amend; God is ever willing to forgive and pardon.  His mercy endured for ever, but He is also a consuming fire!
You can follow me on blog:
                                          Face book:  Harris Eluwah.
                                          Twitter: hugoharris.


The merging of media delivery platforms and contents create new opportunities for the development and delivery of services and products that can expand access to communication services in all parts of Nigeria and better meet the needs of users.
According to Encyclopedia Britannica, media convergence is a “phenomenon involving the interlocking of computing and information technology companies, telecommunications networks and content providers from the publishing world of newspapers, magazines, music, radio, television, films and entertainment software. Media convergence brings together the “three Cs”- Computing, Communication and Content.”
In other words, “media convergence is the merging of mass communication outlets – print, television, radio, the internet along with portable and interactive technologies through various digital presentation platforms”.http//
Bowles and Borden (2004); “convergence as applied to journalism and the media is about delivering news content through several media forms or platforms”.
In line with Kung, Picard and Towse (2008: 36-37) three definitions of the term, media convergence can be said to occur at two primary levels;
·         Technologies/Product related: That is, the conversion of creative content into standard digital forms for delivery through broadband or wireless networks for display on various computers or computer-like devices, from cell phones to Digital Video Recorders (DVRs) linked up to television.
Technological convergence thus refers to the trend for some set of technologies initially having distinct functionalities to evolve to having those that overlap. For example, mobile phones making voice calls, performing SMS, Internet, radio, television and camera functions.
It is the integration of voice, video, data etc. And from the perspective of the device through which content is consummated, it is the coming together of previously distinct products that employ digital, the uniting of functions of the computer, telephone and television set.
·         Industries/Sector focused: This is the merger or strategic alliances of companies across the business spectrum from media to telecommunication to technology in order to develop new business models.
It should be noted that technical convergence is the merging of the delivery technologies through which content reaches the consumer: Radio, conventional broadcasting, satellite, cable, fiber optics, wireless, internet.
From the fore going discussion, seven types of media convergence exist, as identified by Berger (2008: 168);
·         Corporate Convergence: The merger of media companies into conglomerates. For instance, television networks and radio networks, newspaper chains and cable television, telecommunications companies and broadcast media companies etc.
·         Producer Convergence: That is production processes where content is coordinated or shared.
·         Consumer Convergence: This is convergence of media consumer devices. E.g. the camera, cell phone or computers being used to watch video broadcasts.
·         Content Convergence: The coming together of producer and consumer function. Where the audience generates media (content)
·         Investment Convergence: The branching out of a traditional print operation into internet publishing or audio/video or mobile. Here, there is the urge to cut back on cost to save funds.
·         Reverse publishing from the web into print.
·         Environment Convergence: This is convergence of skills, set of previously segregated specialist media practitioners, reporters and news editor or production personnel. This also includes people, infrastructure, capacity, business environment.
Note that convergence as it relates to Newsroom sees staff shooting video, recording audio, blogging and reporting for print and web.
Media convergence in terms of branching out of the traditional print operation into internet publishing or audio/video or mobile is quite prevalent in Nigeria. Most newspapers and broadcast media have online presence. But however, most of the newspapers have limited multimedia functions as they only display text and pictures/graphics. Nevertheless, of all the newspapers, only “Next” has video, audio, text, graphics and pictures featured in news stories.
Content convergence is also visible in Nigeria media industry; especially in the print media. An example is in the case of the punch newspapers where what is printed in the hard (offline) copies are the same story contents online. Note that Nigerians/audience world over can read and contribute regularly to discussions on various issues about the country.
Many Nigerians own devices that receive radio and television signals. That is, the camera cell phones or computers used to receive or watch broadcast. Hence, convergence at the business model of consumer devices is present in Nigeria. The punch, the Nation and Channels television are in this category of media convergence.
Another convergence which present in the Nigeria media scene is the content convergence which allows the readers to comment on issues like the Punch my
Nigeria is relatively deficient in convergence of skills which requires journalist to be multi- skilled. That is not only report and write stories but also be able to take pictures with digital cameras/phones, record audio/video and be able to edit same for publication on both offline and online media. As well as required to create and maintain a website and weblogs in addition to the traditional journalism skills. Unfortunately, only a few of Nigerian journalists possess the requisite training and skills for online/multimedia journalism like Qasim Akinreti.
Blogging and citizen journalism which are forms of the convergence of producer and consumer function exist in Funmi Iyanda, Qasim Akinreti to mention but a few. Again, citizen journalism allows non-professional contributors to send in video and audio reports which are aired. For example, Punch–“your news@punch”
So far, no Nigeria media falls into the category of corporate convergence. That is, convergence between telecommunications and media companies or television and newspaper companies etc. As in the case of American Online (AOL) an Internet company and Time magazine in USA.
Convergence has been made possible by digitalization which allows different types of content (audio, video, text) to be stored in the same format and delivered through a wide variety of technologies (computer, mobile phones, television e.t.c.).
At different levels in the Nigeria media industry, convergence is already seen. Even the industry mergers to form mega conglomerate media companies that is yet to happen is bound to occur with time.
Qasim Akinreti and Mudathir Ganiyu (2011), Secrets of Online and Multimedia Journalism, Ibadan, Emgee Publishing Limited.



An Indonesian Jihad Leader Abu Bakar Bashir, in an interview with First Post Scott Atran said"" Islam cannot be ruled by others, Allah's law must stand above human law. There is no example of Islam and infidel, the right and the wrong living together in peace'' Here lies the fundamental believe of Boko Haram.The elite Muslims who benefited from western education knows that this believe is at variance with natural justice and equity and its not enforceable. This explains the criminal silence of those who are suppose to speak  but refused to in the face of cruel murder of defenseless Christians in the North.The master-mind of Christmas day Church bombing are very happy that they have done the will of Allah and that they have a place in paradise, whereas the victims are crying to God asking for vengeance against the perpetrators of such a dastardly act. The victims believe that the hotest part of Hell is reserved for the terrorist suicide bomber..
For peace to reign in Nigeria the government should do everyting humanly possible to return this country to a sercular sstate. It will be veery difficult to mix religion and government  here, it will never work. Those who smuggled Nigeria into O.I.C. through the back door knows that it was wrong. The best solution is for the Mulims to worship their Allah in peace and if need be use only perseuaton and peaceful approach in seeking new members. In the same way Christians should go about practcing their faith with out disturbance from anybody. There is never a competition between Christians and Muslims. Since the creation of Nigeria I have never heard of Christians trying to force Muslims to accept Christ. Our Muslim brothers know quite well that it is practically impossible in todays Nigeria to force anybody to follow your religion.  We all know that you can only force a horse to the stream but cannot force her to drink water. One thing about Christianity is that it grows rapidly under persecution.  The more you try to stop its spread by force the bigger it grows.
When Jesus Christ died and resurrected, He left 11 timid,frighted, and mostly uneducated fisher men to carry the gospel to the then known world. They achieved little, because they were afraid, but when the Holy Sprite was come and power given to them from above, their was explosion in membership which attracted persecution on them. You can't stop the Gospel of Christ by force. Devil knows this. (to be continued)