Friday, January 6, 2012


An Indonesian Jihad Leader Abu Bakar Bashir, in an interview with First Post Scott Atran said"" Islam cannot be ruled by others, Allah's law must stand above human law. There is no example of Islam and infidel, the right and the wrong living together in peace'' Here lies the fundamental believe of Boko Haram.The elite Muslims who benefited from western education knows that this believe is at variance with natural justice and equity and its not enforceable. This explains the criminal silence of those who are suppose to speak  but refused to in the face of cruel murder of defenseless Christians in the North.The master-mind of Christmas day Church bombing are very happy that they have done the will of Allah and that they have a place in paradise, whereas the victims are crying to God asking for vengeance against the perpetrators of such a dastardly act. The victims believe that the hotest part of Hell is reserved for the terrorist suicide bomber..
For peace to reign in Nigeria the government should do everyting humanly possible to return this country to a sercular sstate. It will be veery difficult to mix religion and government  here, it will never work. Those who smuggled Nigeria into O.I.C. through the back door knows that it was wrong. The best solution is for the Mulims to worship their Allah in peace and if need be use only perseuaton and peaceful approach in seeking new members. In the same way Christians should go about practcing their faith with out disturbance from anybody. There is never a competition between Christians and Muslims. Since the creation of Nigeria I have never heard of Christians trying to force Muslims to accept Christ. Our Muslim brothers know quite well that it is practically impossible in todays Nigeria to force anybody to follow your religion.  We all know that, you can only force a horse to the stream but cannot force her to drink water. One thing about Christianity is that it grows rapidly under persecution.  The more you try to stop its spread by force the bigger it grows.
When Jesus Christ died and resurrected, He left 11 timid,frighted, and mostly uneducated fisher men to carry the gospel to the then known world. They achieved little, because they were afraid, but when the Holy Sprite was come and power given to them from above, their was explosion in membership which attracted persecution on them. You can't stop the Gospel of Christ by force. Devil knows this. (to be continued)

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