Friday, January 6, 2012


In Northern Nigeria  most of the Islamic fundamentalist are from the less educated ones. They were not privileged to have western education and in their Quranic school they were thought that Mohammed is the only true prophet of Allah and that any one who does not believe, in the Qur'an and Mohammed  is an infidel and must covert or be killed.
I will like Muslims in Nigeria who follow the teachings of Mohammed strictly as it contains in the Holy Quran to tell the world, if the religion is peaceful or violent. The Ayotollah Khomeini of Iran declared "" The purest joy in Islam is to kill or be killed for Allah'' In this 21st Century can any government allow the killing of her citizen in the name of Allah? This is the problem which President Gookluck Jonathan said has come to stay with us, and that with time it will die a natural death. If this government cannot provide security for her people, let them openly hand over to Boko Haram.
Finally I will like every Nigerian to know that Prophet Mohammed's life is divided into two parts, the tolerant years when he started Islam at Mecca and the aggressive years before he died in Medina. The Qur'an also captured vividly this two parts, which explains the reason why at times when you  discus with a Muslims especially the elite he preaches to you  from the part of the tolerant  Quran written by Prophet Mohammed in Mecca, but when they are together, they do not cease to remind themselves of the supremacy of the Quran and Islamic religion to any other and that everybody must submit to Islam..When Mohammed stated sharing his revelation with p;people he believe that a peaceful religion will attract more to him, and therefore to Islam, He was wrong because he could not swave many to his religion especially the Jews that were in Mecca.and Medina. This called for a change in strategy and introduction of raw power to force people believe his message.This is the origin of Jihad Holy war. He went about to force unbelievers to believe his message.  No body can question Holy Quran or Prophet Mohammed for that is un - Islamic, and  a denial of Allah.The truth is that Boko Haram sect are not fanatics,they are devout follows of Mohammed. They are following his example and doing what their Islamic Bible teaches them to do. (continued in next blog.)

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