Saturday, May 21, 2011

End-Time Confussion In Churches.

When a minister of God get converted and set up his church, the way he approaches and interpreat the Bible and formulate doctrine at times are not correct. After many years in the service of the Lord, and with new truth from the blble, and he discoveres that the earlier doctrine which he once preached and beleived was actually wrong,how does he go back to his teeming congregation to tell them that he has goofed? May God give us the boldness to accept that we were wrong, applogise to our congregation, put foward the correct position and move foward. No man is infaliable, and no pastor or general overseer should play God. The move belongs to God and we are all vessels which He can use at His discretion. Forget about your earlire mistake, afterall maturity comes with age. The Gospel must be preached to the millions matching to hell. It is more important to redeem these people than to continue defending our childhood mistake in the Lord.I can hear the foot step of the Master coming! Shalon