Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Those accusing President Jonathan of non performance, clueless and weak, are the ones sponsoring Boko Haram, and sabotaging every step

the president takes to improve the lives of the masses. The total amount spent on prosecuting of Boko Haram war is enough to educate all the children from the 19 Northern states, but ironically, while they are complaining of being educational disadvantaged, they never for one day condemn the people who said that western Education is evil. They forget that those who rode on the tigers back will always end up in her belle.
Investors are packing out of the North, Schools are being closed, the only market you see is for people to by food for the day, because they are not sure of tomorrow. I don't know why the northern youth are not angry enough to ask questions from their elders, what legacy they will leave behind for them. For the first time after Nigerian independence, President Goodluck Jonathan established schools to cater for the Almajaries and took them off the road. We have had more than 5 past presidents of Northern extraction and non deemed it fit to educate the street children in the North. Posterity will be harsh on you Northern elders if you fail to start a campaign against Boko Haram. Other zones in Nigeria will never wait for you in development. Dubai, Abudabi, Emirate, Saudi are all Muslim countries, they have all copied the west to their advancement. We also have Muslims in South West of Nigeria, and they live in peace with Christians here. If you don't like the face of President Goodluck Jonathan, its your constitutional right, why not mobilize your people to peacefully vote against him as the election is round the corner? There is no way you can intimidate Mr. President out of 2015 election, by resorting to cruel killing of innocent people through suicide bombing, the earlier you get this clear the better. Rather than shop for a younger and acceptable politician to face Goodluck Jonathan in 2015, you are still parading old and controversial politician that are not electable to other Nigerians, and this is pathetic. Boko Haram can never defeat the Federal Government of Nigeria. No country has ever surrendered to Terrorism, and Nigeria can never be the first. Goodluck Jonathan is never Nigeria and can never be, he is just the present head of state, and after him another will take over. If you think that by killing innocent Nigerians, you are fighting Jonathan you are of all men most miserable. Aso Rock is like a barrack and Jonathan like any other head of state that will come after him is but a soldier. Soldier go soldier come barrack dey kampe. It is malicious and wicked for the same people accusing Mr president of non performance to be the very ones impeding deliverance of dividend of democracy to the masses. But to such people I have a message for you, Nigerian will never disintegrate, those clamoring for it will never get it until they die. God knows why He allowed us to be lumped together as a country. We should learn to stay and live together with one another irrespective of tongues and tribes. Let us emphasize on those things that bring us together than the ones that tear us apart. Long live Nigeria, Long live President Goodluck Jonathan and Long live Opposition, A wonderful Easter celebration to all Nigerians.