Saturday, May 31, 2014

New Nigeria Moral Compass

Friday, May 30, 2014


"By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept, when we remembered Zion. 2 We hanged our harps upon the willows in the midst thereof. 3 For there they that carried us away captive required of us a song; and they that wasted us required of us mirth, saying, Sing us one of the songs of Zion. 4 How shall we sing the LORD's song in a strange land?
How can Biafran's Sing the Lord's song in a Strange land??

How can Biafrans sing the Lord's song in a strange Land?????

THIS BROUGHT TEARS TO MY EYES! Onyeabo China Ifeyinwa:

Let's not forget Eng. Gordon
Ezekwe: Under his Biafran science
and research institute, Biafra were
able to produce Ogbunigwe.
rockets, grenades, shields,
helments etc. Infact under him,
Biafra produced weapons that
killed the enemies more than the
imported ones.
Artur Alves Pereira, The legendary
Biafran Pilot from Portugal who
believes so much in the Biafran
Frederick Forsyth, who brought to
the knowledge of the World the
atrocities that Britain supported in
Nigeria. He resigned his job in BBC
to come to Biafra when he saw that
the government of Britain was
trying to prevent the truth from
coming out.
Senator Edward Kennedy
(Massachusetts), Senator Charles
E. Goodell, Senator Donald E.
Lukens (Ohio): supported Biafra
and pressed for American
recognition of the humanitarian
disaster in the war.
Auberon Waugh, who named his
child Biafra Waugh after he saw the
carnage on his visit to Biafra.
Let's not forget Kurt Vonnegut and
his essay "Biafra: A People
Betrayed", nor should we forget the
Canadian writer Stanley Diamond
who supported Biafra.
Julius Nyerere, towered above
most African political leaders of the
time by putting moral principles
above politics and recognising
Biafra when others were too afraid
to do so.
Bruce Mayrock, the American
Columbia University student who
burned himself to death in front of
the United Nations building in New
York. He died in protest for the
Biafran cause.
Count Carl Gustav Von Rosen -
crack pilot, humanitarian titan and
Major Taffy Williams - welsh
mercenary who fought for love and
not money.
Special mention should be made of
Wole Soyinka and Tai Solarin who
stood for what is right and were
jailed for it. While all around them -
relatives and friends - blindly
supported genocide, and still do,
they spoke up against evil. God
bless them. A memorial must be
created for them in the Biafran relm
after the demise of Nigeria

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

ANA member Mudiaga, nominated for Integrity Award


The Award Selection Committees with Board of Directors and members of Nigeria Image Rebranding Group (NIREG) have appointed one of Nigeria’s fine writers, Adjekpagbon Blessed Mudiaga, as a recipient of this year’s edition of the Integrity Award.
Scheduled to hold on June 15, 2014 at Sheraton Abuja Hotel,  the event will commence at 6pm.
In a statement signed by the Selection Chairperson of NIREG, Princess Vivian Funmilayo Michael-Adelakun, Mudiaga’s nomination was based on his numerous achievements in the past, coupled with the resounding success in his present leadership position as an individual that has earned a place in the annals of Nigeria’s history.
“Actually, many individuals like you in the corporate and public bodies have been trying to carve a niche for themselves but the temptation of bribery and corruption, indiscipline, disloyalty, avarice and other misconducts perpetuated while in positions of authority have denied them such recognition in our contemporary society. These acts only do not bring retrogression to the growth and development of African society but have made our society to be looked down among other countries of the world.
“But for your good self, and following the sample opinion carried out on you in recent times, it has been an established fact that you are a committed servant in both your organization and your local community. Also, high level honesty, steadfastness, transparency, accountability, and discipline exhibited by you must not go without recognition for others to emulate in this right direction. We must not forget easily, your enviable records as a philanthropist and true humanitarian considering your high level of sacrifice to humanity.  …You are therefore, a symbol of excellence worthy of emulation by those coming behind you in our assessment,” she explained.
Mudiaga is an award winning poet and writer from Nigeria. He is the author of  many books including Domestic Daddy, Fundamentals of Literature-in-English and Angel of light, among others. He is a member of the Association of Nigerian Authors (ANA), Lagos.

Cock crows in a morning
Is a notice of such day morning.
Sober and pain in my carpet-like bed.
Eyes slightly opened, tears ready to shed.
Uncertainty of breakfast is no surprise.
But my reservoir fails to realise.
 When night stars begin to appear
I look up and smile in despair.
Then I sit to quantify the hours in a day.
All I hear is; you need to fast and pray.
My heart is pierced but I still need my wet pillow
To meditate if my hope could be actualised tomorrow
 Copyright: Lekan Malik

My world as a kid was sweet
There was abundance
The environment so friendly
People around so kind and caring
By face I can identify everyone
By name I can call them well
 Now an adult with kids of my own
Too many responsibilities, too early
So many that helped as a kid
Are out of memory
Whence I meet them by chance
I felt so ashamed as to slap my face
But our lives today are full of that!
It is the tragedy of our lives
 Copyright: Yusuf Adamu
Excerpts from his poetry book titled
 They Can Speak English (2010) Culled from Daily Newswatch.

Friday, May 23, 2014


                               OPERATION "BRING BACK OUR GIRLS " IS ON!!

Its frenzy, and tumultuous all over the world, In America, Britain, Europe and Africa, there is a uniform outcry for the release of the abducted school girls. Here in Nigeria, Abuja took the lead whether fake or real, but it was a protest, then followed by Lagos, Eko for show, now it has gotten to Anambra, and still counting. Our Nation's First Lady, Dr. Dame Patience Jonathan, was moved to cry openly before television cameras that is beamed to global audience at a meeting she hosted to find a solution to the abducted school girls. To God be the glory, its my hope that through Divine intervention the Girls will be back alive and healthy.
But there is something that is bothering me in the whole drama of abduction is that our Northern brethren at whose domain the saga took place have maintained a surprise silence in terms of public protest. Immediately the Governor shared N1 million each to the parents of the abducted girls, there was absolute calm across the entire Borno state. Not a single protest has been recorded in the entire North including Chibok town where the action took place. It calls for worrying. In the not too distance past, a simple carton at far away Sweden, caused violent protest across viturely all the Northern states of Nigeria with many innocent souls gruesomely butchered and properties worth millions destroyed. Here we are 276 innocent students whose state of origin is Borno and other Northern states were maliciously abducted by the dreaded Boko Haram and no single protest from that region. This calls for serious question from the people of Nigeria. Ironically the North has raised a team of 10000 lawyers to defend an accused member of Boko Haram sect standing trial in a court of law. To me this portend a dangerous trend for a people who aspire to live together as one Nation with one destiny.
I want to use this medium to apeal to Mr. Falana and Oby Ezekwesili to help us go to Kano, Kaduna, Sokoto, and Maidugri to wake our sleeping brothers up- North to come out en mass and protest the abduction of our girls, they should carry along with them El-Rufai and Lamido Sanusi who have suddenly lost their voice where it mattered most. The Northern elders and elites who are predominantly Muslims should appeal to Shek Shakarau to release the girls since you has openly confessed that he took the girls because according to him they should not go to school at all. May God help Nigerians in this time of need, and touch the heart of Boko Haram so that they will release our Girls as soon as possible, amen.

 Letter To Abubakar Shekau, Boko Haram "Leader", sent to by Aliu Abdulrauf:
I am a Muslim and with My Little Knowledge of the Holy Qur'an, I have this message for the terrorist agonizing our country all in the name of religion.
I've read and watched your purported video in which you claimed :
1. Allah ordered you to kill and drink christian, and infidels blood, including all muslims who are against you. MAY BE THERE IS ANOTHER QURAN YOU PEOPLE READ THAT SAYS U SHOULD DRINK BLOOD. To Drink/eat the blood of an animal is prohibited in Islam let alone human blood! MUSLIMS DNT BELIEVE IN VISION!
4.You said "Western education is Haram?" YOU DIDN'T READ AN HADITH CREDITED TO MUHAMMAD (S.A.W) WHICH SAYS: "SEEK KNOWLEDGE EVEN IF IT IS IN CHINA YOU FIND IT" (Perhaps you don't know China was not within the Arabian Country, That is the importance of seeking knowledge)
5. You said you detest living with Christains. MAY BE YOU DID NOT READ 'SIRAH NABIYYI' THAT MUHAMMAD (S.A.W) LIVED WITH CHRISTAINS AND PAGANS PEACEFULLY. All these and other jargons you have said potray you as FAKE and someone on a certain mission.
MISSION to TARNISH THE IMAGE OF MUSLIMS AND ISLAM. Because if it is this same Quran you are reading, then you are disobedient to the God you claim you serve. Your mission is just to make Islam look UNATTRACTIVE, EVIL, and DEVLISH! I quite understand the politics in the world and alot of propaganda and conspiracy against Islam just because it abhors every forms of immorality.
True Muslims know that you BOKO HARAM and other 'terrorist' group in the world are either a phantom organisation or creation of an intelligent section of some group of people! We know this but how many innocent people will you kill to achieve your objectives?. You are quite in-expert because all your actions contradict the True message of Islam.
I watched "those girls" reciting suratul Fatiah in your newly Released 'Film' because I know you are acting on a script, we are expecting a new scene... wait a minute, what message are you sending to the world with that? How Come they become masters of suratul Fatiah Under such condition; under Duress; in the bush; within how many weeks? Even if it be the bible that is written in English language, it will take Morethan 4 weeks to master some verses in it as memory verse, Not to talk of reading Arabic Language just like that.
Oh, see them dress well and sit comfortable in the bush? You did that to win muslims empathy, or to justify your mission? Oh, you missed it! We are wise now. How do you people manage to record those 'Films' and circulate it to media houses, without them and our SSS tracing you since? You've been enjoying good internet and stable network in that FOREST You and Our Government claim you are, while me living in a State Capital can't even browse ordinary facebook for 5minutes without complaining of network problem yet you can upload 58minutes video on Youtube without network "ish" or bandwith problem. 58 good minutes! Yet no one can find you.
If Truly You are Muslims: Haven't you read the following verses of the Qur'an?
1. Suratul Baqarah Q2vs256: Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects evil hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold.
2. Suratul Kafirun, Q109vs6 To you be your Religion, and to me mine."
3. Suratul Yunus Q.10vs99 If it had been thy Lord's will, they would all have believed, - all who are on earth! wilt thou then compel mankind, against their will, to believe!"
4. Suratul Mumtahanah Q.60vs8 Allah forbids you not, with regard to those who fight you not for (your) Faith nor drive you out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them: for Allah loveth those who are just.
Islam means Peace and it teaches Peace Not Violence.



Home News  Governor Shettima must be held accountable for deliberately putting the lives of our girls in mortal danger
Borno State Government

Governor Shettima must be held accountable for deliberately putting the lives of our girls in mortal danger
Posted by: admin in News May 5, 2014
Recent unfolding facts clearly spell out why the Borno State Governor, Kashim  Shettima has played the Ostrich on this mass abduction.
  • Governor Shettima is completely responsible for this unfortunate development, having deliberately refused to heed the advice of the Federal Ministry of Education and WAEC on the relocation of students to Maiduguri and other safer towns. The Federal Ministry of Education did same after the Buni Yadi massacre.
  • Shettima has all along deliberately hidden the names of the abducted girls and played untenable politics for reasons best known to him. He relies on the unfortunate fact that Nigerians only blame the President, even when the culprit is known.
  • Why did Shettima organise the relocation of the remaining 180 student, after creating room for the abduction of the girls by failing to organise security as he pledged in his letter to WAEC?
  • Shettima’s shallow excuse that he could not act because the state is under Emergency Rule is untenable. What is obtainable in Borno State is a partial Emergency Rule where all political structures are in place. He controls the schools and determines when and where they operate. It was on this premise that he rejected expert advice from the Federal Ministry of Education and WAEC.
  • Nigerians must be bold in this circumstance to call a spade a spade. Governor Kashim Shettima deliberately exposed these girls to avoidable danger and this point must be made in clear terms. The Governor should be compelled to publicly explain why he took this very unfortunate decision to disregard valuable instruction.
  • As unfortunate as this situation is, it has thrown up the fact that the emergency rule has largely failed because of political structures in the three states. They take deliberate measures to frustrate genuine efforts at securing Nigerian citizens in their states.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The futility of terror in the face of courage

By Reno Omokri
Many times, in a game, what the spectators think they see is often not what is played out on the pitch. This is the main reason why many people watch a game and they have multiple analysis of what went on. The reason for this variance is because of that thing called a perspective or a point of view.
Onlookers may see a point of view, but it is only those engaged in the game itself that see the whole picture and having this insight, they can understand why a ball is played in a way it was played even while the spectators disagree because they see from a point of view.
This is the situation with many people who criticize the president for his actions in the face of terror attacks. Many people do not see the larger picture and it is the object of this piece to help them see it and put things in perspective.
The opposition has been making a big to do about the suspension of the Federal Executive Council meeting in the after math of the death of Captain Yusuf Sabo Sambo, the younger brother of the Vice President, Alhaji Namadi Sambo. Their argument is that if the Federal Executive Council was not put off after recent terror attacks in which many lost their lives, why should it be put off in this case.
The nation is in an emotionally tense state especially with the recent kidnap of our young girls at the Government Girls Secondary School, Chibok in Borno state and the opposition knows that. Everything is being done to rescue the kidnapped girls and to talk about some of those things may affect rescue operations, but the thing to know is that the military is doing their utmost best.
However, one of the elementary principles of statecraft is that you do not react to terrorists, you respond to them.
If terrorists observe that you are reactive to them rather than being responsive then they will keep manipulating you by terrorizing you anytime they do not want you to take a course of action. If on the other hand they notice that your will is not broken by their action and you continue on your determined course irrespective of their actions then they will eventually accept the futility of their actions.
If the government allows the activities of Boko Haram insurgents stop the normal processes of government, then the high command of that sect can claim a victory and raise the morale of their devotees.
The government cannot stop holding meetings on account of terrorists. That is not empathy. That is weakness! What the families of victims of terror want to see is action in the part of government in bringing terrorists to book and rescuing those victims who are still alive and as the President said on April 26 2014 during the Presidential Prayer Breakfast “all those who took part in that act (Chibok Kidnap and Nyanya bombing) will surely pay for it”.
In the case of Captain Yusuf Sabo Sambo, suspending the Federal Executive Council meeting would not have given any advantage to the terrorists thus it was an appropriate display of empathy.
I know our people are saddened by these events, but please, let us have confidence in our security operatives who have lost thousands of lives combating terror and let us also learn from history.
On the morning when terrorist struck America on September 11 2001, President George Bush was reading a children’s book to kids at the Emma E. Booker Elementary School in Sarasota, Florida when White House Chief of Staff, Andrew Card, informed him of the terrorist attacks.
President Bush did not panic. He did not stop reading to the children. He continued the reading for a full seven minutes, and spent a further 13 minutes with the children before leaving them to give a press conference about the attack 20 minutes after he was informed.
The cameras were on Mr. Bush, and if the American public had seen him panic the contagious effect of that would have spread throughout the nation and the terrorist of 9/11 would have achieved their aim.
Three days after the attack, Mr. Bush visited ground zero and told one of the grieving relatives “I hear you, the rest of the world hears you and the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon”.
This is precisely what President Jonathan told the nation during the Presidential Prayer Breakfast.
Leaders dare not panic. They must keep their heads when everyone around them is losing theirs.
Experts in statecraft have cited the example of Margaret Thatcher and the Conservative Party as an example of how to defeat the objective of terrorists.
It would be recalled that the government of Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher went ahead with the Conservative Party’s convention despite the IRA’s fatal bombing of the venue of the convention at the Brighton Hotel on the 12th of October, 1984 killing 33 people including two senior members.
Prime Minister Thatcher, despite suffering injuries with her husband, Dennis, simply went to the hospital for treatment and returned to the Convention and on the next morning she addressed the British people and said;
“The fact that we are gathered here now—shocked, but composed and determined—is a sign not only that this attack has failed, but that all attempts to destroy democracy by terrorism will fail”.
You can imagine the boost that the IRA would have had if the government had reacted by shutting down their scheduled meetings because of the deadly attacks!
No one called for the resignation of Mrs. Thatcher and her government because of the terrorism of the IRA and there had been over 50 terror attacks by the IRA before the terror bombing.
It would have been unimaginable for the British opposition to ask for Thatcher’s resignation because that was what the IRA wanted.
In Nigeria, Boko Haram has repeatedly said they want to get rid of President Jonathan and do not recognize his authority. They have even asked him to convert!
Now how did we get to the point where we are today that the opposition are asking for the President to resign? Is that not victory for Boko Haram? Is that not what the sect has been wanting?
Does that even make sense? Shouldn’t the opposition cleave into the government on the issue of terror and show a common front to the terrorists as Muhammadu Buhari wisely advised in his treatise of two weeks ago?
Let us learn from the history of terrorism in Britain. Today, the IRA is no more but the British Government and the Conservative Party are with us and are stronger than they were in 1984.
Also, in the United States, the previous year, both the Republicans and the Democrats continued with their preparations for the 1984 elections despite the Beirut Bombing of October 23, 1983 which killed 299 American and French marines.
The thing to note is that since recorded history began, terrorists have always used violence to try to manipulate political affairs and those whom God entrusts with power over the years, perhaps under divine guidance, have consistently displayed the wisdom of not reacting to terrorists.
Take the historical account of the Israelites.
After the prophesied 400 years of slavery in Egypt, God’s appointed time came for the deliverance of the Jewish nation. But just about the time that the Israelites were to be set free from bondage what did the established order come up with?
A Pharaoh that did not know of Joseph’s phenomenal contribution to the greatness of Egypt came up with a policy which mandated that all male Hebrew children must die!
This was an act of terror meant to keep the Jewish nation in political servitude to the ancient Egyptians.
But as is commonly said ‘man proposes but God disposes’. Moses, The child of destiny that was to see to the deliverance of the nation of Israel was not only born but was adopted into royalty by Pharaoh’s own daughter and eventually saw to the emancipation of the Hebrew nation.
Also, when the Magi from the East came to seek the Child Yeshu’a (whom the West calls Jesus) they unwittingly set off Herod’s paranoid insecurities about losing his throne by informing him that Yeshu’a was born to be King of kings.
King Herod in response to the perceived political threat from Yeshu’a’s (Jesus) coming Kingdom went the route of Pharaoh by ordering the killing of all male children in Bethlehem two years and under.
But as with Moses, so it was with Yeshu’a who was delivered from Herod’s terror when Joseph relocated to Egypt until that tyrants death.
Also, when Mohammed (SAW) began preaching against the idolatry and polytheism that was widely practiced in Mecca, he was forced out of town by the Meccan tribal leaders of the Quraysh clan who would hear none of it! This led to the Hijra of Mohammed and his followers
But as it would turn out, they had not seen the last of Mohammed (SAW) who grew in strength and finally prevailed over the ruling oligarchs of Mecca and overcame the terror they unleashed on him.
Again, when Abraham Lincoln purposed to set Black slaves free the establishment resisted him bitterly but their terror was defeated and the The Emancipation Proclamation became a reality because it is a truism and a self evident fact that God made all men equal and there are no people more endued to rule over others on the basis of racial, religious or cultural superiority.
The moral of these stories is that evil cannot conquer good. It might be a cliche, but I will still use it-tough times never last but tough people do and Nigerians are tough people!
These are lessons we have to learn in Nigeria and it is not necessary to learn them the hard way.
Nigerians should realize that this administration under the leadership of President Goodluck Jonathan, is an empathic administration that cares about the welfare of Nigerians.
Only recently, Nigerian lives were at stake during the crisis in the Central African Republic. This administration sent air crafts to rescue them at no cost. They were repatriated back to Nigeria and rehabilitated.
This is not the first time this happened. Nigerians may remember that we were the First Nation (not one of the first, but the first) to evacuate her citizens from Egypt during the Arab Spring uprising in 2011.
Nigerians must not stop being Nigerians because of the fear of terrorism, neither should we treat terrorism with kid gloves and go on as if nothing happened because something did happen!
The thing to do is to carry on with our lives without disruption while making sure that the terrorists are not able to carry on with their terror because of the disruption and dismantling of their infrastructure and support based by the gallant men and women of our armed forces and security services.
Finally, as a nation, we must come together against terror irrespective of our political or religious persuasion. We cannot afford to blink in the face of terror. We must be resolute as that is the only way to stare down and defeat terror.
Reno Omokri is Special Assistant to President Goodluck Jonathan on New Media

Friday, May 2, 2014

End this senseless killings in our land,

Boko Haram is a mischievous weapon or terror, manufactured by malicious and brutal people, whose cruel aim and objective is to intimidate a legitimate and sitting government out of office. There is no Country on earth that has surrendered her sovereignty to a terror group. Check your records, the nearest attempt was at Afghanistan, where the Taliban almost over ran a legitimate government, but the whole world said No, because injustice to one is injustice to all. The international war on terror is still on, the entire world will not permit any country to be home to terrorist, wherever they existed, they are hunted and their activities put to an end. It happened, it Sudan, Somalia, Yemen, Afghanistan, and Iraq, so Nigeria will not be an exceptional. When it started in Nigeria, some displaced politicians who wanted to cash on the ugly situation, made statement to the effect that they are capable of controlling the BH boys if Mr, President an ounces that he will not contest the 2015 election in Nigeria, talk of taking power from the back door. But today, those politicians will bury their head in shame, because the tiger they rode on is about making a mince meal of them. This terror group has gone out of control and has started terrorizing and embarrassing their sponsors, because they don't value their lives talk less of the life of anybody including their sponsors.
The only solution to the current terror attack on Nigeria and Nigerians, is for all involved to come clean, and take the destiny of our country and feature generation in our hands. Evil does not pay, the sponsors must repent and stop their sponsorship, the blame game must stop, all hands must be on deck, in support of President Jonathan to end Boko Haram, he cannot do it alone except with the cooperation of all Nigerians. Nigeria should not be ashamed to seek help from international community in this war against terror. So much blood of innocent human beings made in the image of God have been spilled on the land, and like the blood of Abel, is continually crying unto God for vengeance. This terror group has created so many orphans, widows and widowers across the land, and if nothing is done to cheek them, more will be created. Our politicians should stop playing dirty politics of "Do - or - Die" in our country, we have no other home except Nigeria, if we fail on this war on terror, we may be seeing the last of a country called Nigeria on earth.God forbid!!!
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