Saturday, October 22, 2011

End of the road for Qaddfi

It is better to learn form people's mistake than for you to be a sad note in the history of man. Qaddafi has come and gone, but the world has a lot to learn from the life and times of the man who styled himself as "king of kings" First to our elected or self-imposed leaders.There is time for everything under the earth, time to come and time go. The only thing permanent on earth is change, and when it comes, you dear not resist it.When your are in power and in control, the same people that hail you and urges you on are the very people that will woe you when you are down. In the hay days of Qaddafi at the martyrs square in Tripoli, when he is making remembrance speeches, the crowd is unprecedented and they cheered and urges him to ride on. The same crowd poured into the martyrs square to celebrate his catastrophic fall. If he had known, he would not have dragged his family into this mess. Again, world leaders should stop toying with the idea of grooming their children to succeed them in office when they die. It is an insult to the collective intelligence of the people , after servfing a  man, they now go ahead to serve the child no matter how good he is . It has been the unseen hand propelling people to revolt in countries where their serving head of state wants to toe that line of succession.. The consequence of such action is that the entire family may be wiped out in the process. If it did not work for Saddam Hussein of Iraq, Mubarak of Egypt, and now Qaddafi of Libya it will definitely not work for that new tyrant or dictator still nursing such ambition. You may ask me what of George w Bush Junior of America? Then my answer is , was Junior's reign a blessing or course for the Americans? He lied to Americans, in order to go to war in Iraq, He spent so much to hunt down Osama, and failed. The economic disaster that America is today was inherited from the government of Junior. Come to think of it objectively, how can a adult be called junior and  the world expect him to reason maturely? It is high time that people stop calling  matured men junior. This is because Junior will always act and reason like a child.
What played out in Libya is a clear demonstration that power belong to the people. When they decide to make you a leader, you are only keeping the power in trust for them, any time you misuse the power, the people will go after you as was done in Libya and is now going on in Syria and Yemen.. You do not need to be a rocket scientist to predict the out come of the two countries that its people has peacefully demonstrated for more than six months asking their leaders to go in vain. The blood of innocent people killed with the gun purchased with tax payers money  of Syria and Yemen is daily caring for vengeance. God is not a man and as such He will arise for these masses and soonest too;
For gallant NTC fighters, congratulation!! Now is the time for you to rebuild your country, T

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