Wednesday, December 19, 2012


So when they had dined, Jesus saith to Simon Peter, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me more than these? He saith unto him, yea, Lord: thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him, Feed my lambs.
He saith to him again the second time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me? He saith unto him, yea, Lord: thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him Feed my sheep.
He saith unto him the third time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me? Peter was grieved because he said into him, the third time, Lovest thou me? And he said unto him, Lord thou knowest all things, thou knowest tha I love thee, Jesus saith unto him Feed my sheep.
Veryily, verily, I say unto thee, when thou wast young, thou girdest thyself, and walkedst whither thou wouldest: but when thou shalt be old, thou shalt stretch forth thy hands, and another shall gird thee, and carry thee whither thou wouldest not. (John 21:  15-18)
Heaven’s second name is surprise. It will be like a supporting film in a movie theater. Many, whom we respect on earth and call all sorts of names, will be missing in heaven. You may not believe it, but its true. If Jesus Christ comes to this world today, I am very sure that he will be asking most of our private Jet owning pastors the same question he asked Peter more than 2ooo years ago. Lovest thou me more than all these things.  The soul of his sheep entrusted into your care is more important, to him than private jet, and palatial mansion by an ocean shore. He knows that empty you came and for sure empty you’ll return to your creator to answer for yourdid on earth. The crowd you attracted and the biggest auditorium you preach in does not make you a candidate of heaven, your Christian life will. Mend your ways, death is sure heaven is real and hell is unquestionable.  What will the Master find you doing, and where will He find you when he comes? The choice is yours and you have the time to make a quality decision now.
There is a tin line between our pastors and motivational speakers, the former does not know that sin is no respecter of anointing; they are unmindful of the clause “least after I have preached I become a cast away”. Pray for your Pastors always. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of a living God.

Who owns the Land of Cannan (Israel)

Many years ago by Divine mathematics the family of Jacob (son of Isaac, son of Abraham) whose name was changed to Israel by God ended up as slaves in a town in Egypt known as Goshen. God’s initial plan was for them to be in Egypt as slaves for a period of 400 years, during this time, God wanted to “format” Jacob and “install” Israel into their life in preparation for a very long journey, but somewhere along the line Moses who was born by a Jewish parents and trained in the Palace of Pharaoh decided to help God after reading the history of his people’s stay in Egypt. This attempt by Moses added another30 years to God’s initial plan, the lesson here being, that man born of a woman cannot help God. Moses a slave boy was trained in Pharaoh’s palace as the son of Pharaoh’s daughter by man’s wisdom to become the heir apparent to the throne of Egypt, for a period of 40 years. The wisdom of man is foolishness to God, so the Almighty and Omnipotent God by yet another Divine mathematics sent Moses to the wilderness for 40 years to erase some of the knowledge acquired by Moses in the palace which will not be useful for the assignment set before him. Any history of Egypt that does not have a reasonable slot accounting for the period the Jews lived and served them as slaves is fraudulent and an attempt to confuse the world because a period of 430years in the history of a Nation cannot be easily wished away.
The journey from Goshen to Canaan covers thousands of kilometers inhibited by hostile Nations who will not grant Israel access through their land except they have to fight a war. The Israelites never settled in any of the conquered land because that was not the Divine grant they simply moved on.  Moses led the Israelites through this journey until he came to the edge of the Land and was shown the promise Land by God before he died. God buried Moses himself, because till this day nobody saw his grave, but he died and was buried.
Then enter Joshua the commander of God’s people. The book of Joshua is a book of war. He fought his way to river Jordan, and when he crossed the Jordan he conquered 31 Kings, and their cities were destroyed before moving into the promise land.
The land of Canaan, the Promised Land, a land flowing with milk and Horney, which was promised by God to the people of Israel was not a barren or virgin land. It was occupied by people, the Canaanites and host of other people. But why will an Omniscience God who knows the end from the beginning ask His children to go and occupy another man’s land, after forty years of wandering in the wilderness and fighting so many wars? Is God an author of confusion? Never, God did it for a purpose, and the logic defiles human comprehension till this day, and this is the very reason no man living or dead can settle the issue of who owns the Land.
The world is at crossroad as to what to do with the country Israel. Almost all past American Presidents have attempted to make peace between Israel and Palestine in vain. The Bush administration pushed for a two state solution where Israel will live side by side with the Palestinian state in peace. Yes they may live side by side as designed by God, but not in peace. God knows that his Children Israel is very stubborn, and if they are not always on edge, they will forget Him. The Israelites have short memory, quick at forgetting the entire miracle which the Lord performed for them, and start worshiping strange gods. Whenever this happens God allows their enemies to have an edge over them, and then they will remember their God and the covenant He made with their father Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, they call upon Him and He delivers them. All the prophets in the Bible from Moses were sent to warn the Jewish people not to worship other gods, some they killed, others they ridicule and make jest of. When Jesus came they conspired with the gentiles and crucified the king of peace. If the Devil had known that the death of Christ was to redeem mankind, he would not have aided those that crucified Jesus Christ. They asked God to put his blood on their head, and that of three generations after them.
Why is Canaan called the promise Land? Who made the promise and to whom was the promise made? God made the promise to Abraham and his children by covenant. Abraham had other children, but the covenant was to Isaac and Jacob (Israel) in the eyes of God, Jerusalem is the centre of the world, and this is the city that inhibit His shekinah Glory, which means “the Glorious presence of God” which was visible in the pillar of fire that followed them in the wilderness. There is no city like Jerusalem on earth. A different feeling and atmosphere pervade Jerusalem. Jerusalem the very name is exciting and provokes deep emotions, memories of the past and the hope of a glorious future.  God said, I have chosen Jerusalem, that my name might be there…..For now I have chosen and sanctified this house (the temple), that My name may be there forever; and my eyes and MY heart will be there perpetually….In this house and in Jerusalem which I have chosen…I will put, My name forever. 2 Chronicle 6:6, 7:16, 33:7.
The present country called Israel has witnessed more wars than any other country on earth, and it will continue to be threatened with war until the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The reason could be found in the Bible:                                                                                            NATIONS LEFT IN CANAAN!!
In Judges 3 vs 1-4: The Lord left certain nations in the land to test those Israelites who had not participated in the wars of Canaan. He did this to teach warfare to generations of Israelites who had no experience in battle. These were the nations: the Philistines (those living under the five Philistine rulers), all the Canaanites, the Sidonians, and the Hivites living in the hill country of Lebanon from Mount Baal-hermon to Lebo-hamath. These people were left to test the Israelites – to see whether they would obey the commands the Lord had given to their ancestors through Moses.” Unfortunately Israel lived among those gentile nations and started worshiping their gods, to the anger of God. Today there are more idol worshipers in Israel than any other nation on earth, and as long as they worship strange gods, their enemies will continue to put them on edge and direct them to the sovereign Lord, whose help they must seek.
The Israelites abandoned the Lord. They chased after gods, worshiping the gods of the people around them, and they angered the Lord so He sold them to their enemies all around and they were no longer able to resist them. Till this day, the original owners of the Land will continue to fight for their land and will never get it because the creator of heaven and earth, the Lord God of the host of Israel, has transferred ownership to another. “As for Me behold. My covenant is with you, and you shall be a father of many nations….I will establish My covenant between Me and you and your descendants after you in their generations, for an everlasting covenant, to be God to you and your descendants after you. Also I give to you and your descendants after you the land in which you are a stranger, all the Land of Canaan, as an everlasting possession; and I will be their God” (Genesis 17:4, 7-8) He is the porter and we are the clay, we cannot question God. The very moment we come to terms that the issue of who owns the Land was divinely created for a purpose the easier it is for all the parties concerned to trade with caution.  (Harris Eluwah)

Friday, December 14, 2012

Who owns the Land?

Many years ago by Divine mathematics the family of Jacob (son of Isaac, son of Abraham) whose name was changed to Israel by God ended up as slaves in a town in Egypt known as Goshen. God’s initial plan was for them to be in Egypt as slaves for a period of 400 years, during this time, God wanted to “format” Jacob and “install” Israel into their life in preparation for a very long journey, but somewhere along the line Moses who was born by a Jewish parents and trained in the Palace of Pharaoh decided to help God after reading the history of his people’s stay in Egypt. This attempt by Moses added another30 years to God’s initial plan, the lesson here being, that man born of a woman cannot help God. Moses a slave boy was trained in Pharaoh’s palace as the son of Pharaoh’s daughter by man’s wisdom to become the heir apparent to the throne of Egypt, for a period of 40 years. The wisdom of man is foolishness to God, so the Almighty and Omnipotent God by yet another Divine mathematics sent Moses to the wilderness for 40 years to erase some of the knowledge acquired by Moses in the palace which will not be useful for the assignment set before him. Any history of Egypt that does not have a reasonable slot accounting for the period the Jews lived and served them as slaves is fraudulent and an attempt to confuse the world because a period of 430years in the history of a Nation cannot be easily wished away.
The journey from Goshen to Canaan covers thousands of kilometers inhibited by hostile Nations who will not grant Israel access through their land except they have to fight a war. The Israelites never settled in any of the conquered land because that was not the Divine grant they simply moved on.  Moses led the Israelites through this journey until he came to the edge of the Land and was shown the promise Land by God before he died. God buried Moses himself, because till this day nobody saw his grave, but he died and was buried.
Then enter Joshua the commander of God’s people. The book of Joshua is a book of war. He fought his way to river Jordan, and when he crossed the Jordan he conquered 31 Kings, and their cities were destroyed before moving into the promise land.
The land of Canaan, the Promised Land, a land flowing with milk and Horney, which was promised by God to the people of Israel was not a barren or virgin land. It was occupied by people, the Canaanites and host of other people. But why will an Omniscience God who knows the end from the beginning ask His children to go and occupy another man’s land, after forty years of wandering in the wilderness and fighting so many wars? Is God an author of confusion? Never, God did it for a purpose, and the logic defiles human comprehension till this day, and this is the very reason no man living or dead can settle the issue of who owns the Land.
The world is at crossroad as to what to do with the country Israel. Almost all past American Presidents have attempted to make peace between Israel and Palestine in vain. The Bush administration pushed for a two state solution where Israel will live side by side with the Palestinian state in peace. Yes they may live side by side as designed by God, but not in peace. God knows that his Children Israel is very stubborn, and if they are not always on edge, they will forget Him. The Israelites have short memory, quick at forgetting the entire miracle which the Lord performed for them, and start worshiping strange gods. Whenever this happens God allows their enemies to have an edge over them, and then they will remember their God and the covenant He made with their father Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, they call upon Him and He delivers them. All the prophets in the Bible from Moses were sent to warn the Jewish people not to worship other gods, some they killed, others they ridicule and make jest of. When Jesus came they conspired with the gentiles and crucified the king of peace. They asked God to put his blood on their head, and that of three generations after them.
Why is Canaan called the promise Land? Who made the promise and to whom was the promise made? God made the promise to Abraham and his children by covenant. Abraham had other children, but the covenant was to Isaac and Jacob (Israel) In the eyes of God, Jerusalem is the centre of the world, and this is the city that inhibit His shekinah Glory, which means “the Glorious presence of God” which was visible in the pillar of fire that followed them in the wilderness. There is no city like Jerusalem on earth. A different feeling and atmosphere pervade Jerusalem. Jerusalem the very name is exciting and provokes deep emotions, memories of the past and the hope of a glorious future.  God said, I have chosen Jerusalem, that my name might be there…..For now I have chosen and sanctified this house (the temple), that My name may be there forever; and my eyes and MY heart will be there perpetually….In this house and in Jerusalem which I have chosen…I will put, My name forever. 2 Chronicle 6:6, 7:16, 33:7.
The present country called Israel has witnessed more wars than any other country on earth, and it will continue to be threatened with war until the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The reason could be found in the Bible:                                                                                            NATIONS LEFT IN CANAAN!!
In Judges 3 vs 1-4: The Lord left certain nations in the land to test those Israelites who had not participated in the wars of Canaan. He did this to teach warfare to generations of Israelites who had no experience in battle. These were the nations: the Philistines (those living under the five Philistine rulers), all the Canaanites, the Sidonians, and the Hivites living in the hill country of Lebanon from Mount Baal-hermon to Lebo-hamath. These people were left to test the Israelites – to see whether they would obey the commands the Lord had given to their ancestors through Moses.” Unfortunately Israel lived among those gentile nations and started worshiping their gods, to the anger of God. Today there are more idol worshipers in Israel than any other nation on earth, and as long as they worship strange gods, their enemies will continue to put them on edge and direct them to the sovereign Lord, whose help they must seek.
The Israelites abandoned the Lord. They chased after gods, worshiping the gods of the people around them, and they angered the Lord so He sold them to their enemies all around and they were no longer able to resist them. Till this day, the original owners of the Land will continue to fight for their land and will never get it because the creator of heaven and earth, the Lord God of the host of Israel, has transferred ownership to another. He is the porter and we are the clay, we cannot question God. The very moment we come to terms that the issue of who owns the Land was Divinely created for a purpose the easier it is for all the parties concerned to trade with caution.  (Harris Eluwah)

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Who Owns the Land of Canaan (ISRAEL)

Many years ago by Divine mathematics the family of Jacob (son of Isaac, son of Abraham) whose name was changed to Israel by God ended up as slaves in a town in Egypt known as Goshen. God’s initial plan was for them to be in Egypt as slaves for a period of 400 years, during this time, God wanted to “format” Jacob and “install” Israel into their life in preparation for a very long journey, but somewhere along the line Moses who was born by a Jewish parents and trained in the Palace of Pharaoh decided to help God after reading the history of his people’s stay in Egypt. This attempt by Moses added another30 years to God’s initial plan, the lesson here being, that man born of a woman cannot help God. Moses a slave boy was trained in Pharaoh’s palace as the son of Pharaoh’s daughter by man’s wisdom to become the heir apparent to the throne of Egypt, for a period of 40 years. The wisdom of man is foolishness to God, so the Almighty and Omnipotent God by yet another Divine mathematics sent Moses to the wilderness for 40 years to erase some of the knowledge acquired by Moses in the palace which will not be useful for the assignment set before him. Any history of Egypt that does not have a reasonable slot accounting for the period the Jews lived and served them as slaves is fraudulent and an attempt to confuse the world. A period of 430years in the history of a Nation cannot be easily wished away.
The journey from Goshen to Canaan covers thousands of kilometers inhibited by hostile Nations who will not grant Israel access through their land except they have to fight a war. The Israelites never settled in any of the conquered land because that was not the Divine grant they simply moved on.  Moses led the Israelites through this journey until he came to the edge of the Land and was shown the promise Land by God before he died. God buried Moses himself, because till this day nobody saw his grave, but he died and was buried.
Then enter Joshua the commander of God’s people. The book of Joshua is a book of war. He fought his way to river Jordan and across the Jordan he conquered 31 Kings, and their cities were destroyed before moving into the promise land.
The land of Canaan, the Promised Land, a land flowing with milk and Horney, which was promised by God to the people of Israel was not a barren or virgin land. It was occupied by people, the Canaanites and host of other people. But why will an Omniscience God who knows the end from the beginning ask His children to go and occupy another man’s land, after forty years of wandering in the wilderness and fighting so many wars? Is God an author of confusion? Never, God did it for a purpose, and the logic defiles human comprehension till this day, and this is the very reason no man living or dead can settle the issue of who owns the Land.
The world is at crossroad as to what to do with the country Israel. Almost all past American Presidents have attempted to make peace between Israel and Palestine in vain. The Bush administration pushed for a two state solution where Israel will live side by side with the Palestinian state in peace. Yes they may live side by side as designed by God, but not in peace. God knows that his Children Israel is very stubborn, and if they are not always on edge, they will forget Him. The Israelites have short memory, quick at forgetting the entire miracle which the Lord performed for them, and start worshiping strange gods. All the prophets in the Bible from Moses were sent to warn the Jewish people not to worship other gods, some they killed, others they ridicule and make jest of. When Jesus came they conspired with the gentiles and crucified the king of peace. They asked God to put his blood on their head, and that of three generations after them.
Why is Canaan called the promise Land? Who made the promise and to whom was the promise made? God made the promise to Abraham and his children by covenant. Abraham had other children, but the covenant was to Isaac and Jacob (Israel) In the eyes of God, Jerusalem is the center of the world, and this is the city that inhibit His shekinah Glory, which means “the Glorious presence of God” which was visible in the pillar of fire that followed them in the wilderness. There is no city like Jerusalem on earth. A different feeling and atmosphere pervade Jerusalem. Jerusalem the very name is exciting and provokes deep emotions, memories of the past and the hope of a glorious future.  God said, I have chosen Jerusalem, that my name might be there…..For now I have chosen and sanctified this house (the temple), that My name may be there forever; and my eyes and MY heart will be there perpetually….In this house and in Jerusalem which I have chosen…I will put, My name forever. 2 Chronicle 6:6, 7:16, 33:7.
The present country called has witnessed more wars than any other country on earth, and it will continue to be threatened with war until the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The reason could be found in the Bible: NATIONS LEFT IN CANAAN!!
In Judges 3 vs 1-4: The Lord left certain nations in the land to test those Israelites who had not participated in the wars of Canaan. He did this to teach warfare to generations of Israelites who had no experience in battle. These were the nations: the Philistines (those living under the five philistine rulers), all the Cananites, the Sidonians, and the Hivites living in the hill country of Lebanon from Mount Baal-hermon to Lebo-hamath. These people were left to test the Israelites – to see whether they would obey the commands the Lord had given to their ancestors through Moses.
The Israelites abandoned the Lord. They chased after gods, worshiping the gods of the people around them, and they angered the Lord so He sold them to their enemies all around and they were no longer able to resist them. Till this day, the original owners of the Land will continue to fight for their land and will never get it because the owner has given it to another. He is the porter and we are the clay, we cannot question God. The very moment we come to terms that the issue of who owns the Land was Divinely created for a purpose the easier it is for all the parties concerned to trade with caution. 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


The most precious gift of God to man is LIFE and it has become worthless in our country. All that matters in Nigeria today is money, the more you get the better person you become, the source of your income does not matter any more. Just get the money either by crook or murder. The devil has gone gaga in our land, and has taken the front seat in deciding our collective future, what a shame! The devil has confiscated the two institutions that would have saved Nigeria – The Church through the Pastors and the seat of Government through the politicians. There is a healthy synergy between the two groups of people, and if the two decide to repent and sin no more Nigeria will be better for it, if not we are heading for destruction,  Nigerians have been pushed to the wall, a goat will react when you push her to the wall.
Most politicians and Pastors are two sides of a very bad coin. They have so many things in common, I will mention just three:-
1)    Their common target is the masses.
2)     Their stock in trade is “DECEIT”
3)     Their passion is unhealthy competition.
There is always a correlation between a “successfully corrupt” politician and a flamboyant pastor.
A corrupt politician, by his policies caused the failure of big manufacturing companies with warehouses across the country, sending millions into the job market.
A pastor who had a small church buys the company and converts the warehouse into a mega church. Then most of the people who lost their job as a result of cluelessness, incompetency and wicked policies of the politician, now seeking for solution to their joblessness run to God in the pastor’s family church. Some pastors borrow money from either politicians or Banks to start their church, little wonder their desperation in forcing and coaxing members to contribute money to the churches building fund. At Ajoa Estate Lagos, a pastor once told their members from the Alter of God,that they must contribute to the building fund, if you like go and steal. Did I hear you say, its impossible? Some of their members reading this message will testify to the truth.
The pastor whose second name is prayer merchant, goes into action, after collection of consultation fees in the form of offerings, tithes, building, welfare, first fruit, covenant offering, and of course seed sowing. The pastor then commence fasting and praying for and on behalf of his members that God will provide a good job for them in a big company so that they might increase their inflow into the church of God for the propagation of the gospel. If God answers this prayer, which company are your members going to work? Which company? The companies whose warehouse you bought and converted into a church? There must be limit to deception, God is watching us in this country, hand join hand, a sinner must never go unpunished.
The duo of Politicians and Ministers of God, at this point have succeeded in deceiving the masses who are now left in a confused state. The politicians send them to the church and the pastors are now sending them home hopeless. The result is resorting to murmuring and in the worst scenario crime.
What do they do with the Billions collected from the people and our national treasure? Here comes their passion!!
The Pastors are into competition as to who will build the biggest church, University, Estate, and of course the best Bombardier Private Jet. Not satisfied with these ones, our pastors are buying houses in the entire world Capitals, under the guise of spreading the gospel. God is watching, and very soon the all knowing God, the one that judges with the intent of men’s heart, who sees in the secret and open will pass judgment on all of those that have turned the house of God to a casino. As it is with the Pastors so also with the politicians, the competition is stiff; the difference here is that the politicians can kill if you try to stop them. Ask Dora Akunyili and now Ngozi Okonjo Iweala. You may kill all of us, but you cannot kill our God to whom we are crying unto day and night. He will surely hear us and send our Messiah to deliver us from your wickedness.
In conclusion, I stand on the word of God that says you shall decree a thing and it will be established, ask and it shall be given unto you, to declare and decree that Nigeria will never disintegrate no matter the manipulation of our politicians. A New Nigeria is coming that we shall be very proud of in this our generation. A New Nigeria is possible; it begins with you changing your mind set. Ask your self do you really need all the money you are accumulating for generation unborn. Does this criminal accumulation give you joy? When you see millions dying of hunger and starvation, while you have Billions in the bank does it not touch you? Where has our conscience gone? How long do you think you will live in this sinful world? The average life span of African’s has been put at 45 years, and most of you are above 50 years of age, that means you are now on extra time. What do you do with this little time left?  You can never control what happens after you have died. Last line**
Why do wealthy men of the past not produce wealthy children of today? Your guess is as good as mine!
 There is still time to repent, and save your soul from eternal damnation. No matter how far you have gone, God is a merciful Father, Jesus did it for Saul and he became Paul. It is appointed for man to die once, after that the judgment of God. He is waiting, are you ready? Follow me on twitter @ugoharris may God bless you real good as you join me to pray for our Pastors and GO’s the Devil is working too heard to destroy them and their ministries in Nigeria.


If you want to make heaven from Nigeria, do not go near most men of God. Just listen to their well tailored messages on CD, DVD, TV and even in their churches. Believe their messages from the Bible, live by it, and you will surely make heaven. These men are too familiar with God now, and as such God gave them reprobate minds and made them believe their own lies. To them we are experimental materials to be used and dumped. Obtaining members money  by tricks is nothing to them, else how can a Pastor collect money from poor members to build university  and still look these members straight to their face and tell them that the University is quite different from the Church.
Manipulating members to buy private jet for them as a gift, only to turn around to start Air line business. They no longer preach that Christ is coming very soon. Why will they, when the money has changed hands, from the unbelievers to “men of God” They will tell you that Solomon and Abraham was stupendously Rich, but will not tell you that the duo were never Pastors, while one was the head of state in Israel, the other was a business man with absolute  faith in God Almighty.
Grooming their wife and children to survive them in the Church of God does not mean anything to them, suddenly, the church of God has become a private property, little did they know that their Church MUST out live them if Jesus tarries. Some sleep with their member’s wife who is looking for the fruit of the womb and still council her with the husband to trust & believe God. What of envy and hatred amongst the Church leaders. You can never see them sit together to fight the common enemy the Devil. They have abandoned PFN to the rascal pastors that have no knowledge of what it means to lead, little wonder their voice is never respected. I challenge the PFN to convene a meeting to be attended by the following: W. F, Kumuyi. Daniel Olukoya, David Oyedepo, Tunde Bakare, Chris oyakhilome, Chris Okotie, T.. B. Joshua. Mike Okonkwo, Matthew Asimilowo, E. A Adeboye,Lazrus Moka Wale Oke, Ayo Oritsejafor and pastor Samson Ayorinde, then sit back and watch the violent drama that will unfold. There is so much hatred among Pentecostal Churches in this country. There is a Church in Ijesha that specializes is buying off all the smaller churches around her so that she will be the only church in that area. Recently she took another neighboring church that has a common boundary to court because of Land, when it comes to grabbing Land, they close the Bible, what a shame.
They employ full time pastors and do not pay them salary, creating conducive grounds for them to stealing church fund. They deceive their members that they are full time pastors, but their chain of business is more than that of Mike Adenuga.