Sunday, January 29, 2012

Boko Haram Activities Un - Islamic? (iv)

The Muslims have been thought in their Koran that anybody who resist Islam should be killed. There is no middle of the road in Islam you either believe or be Killed, but unfortunately International morality and Laws does not allow anybody to kill in what ever disguise, be it religion or otherwise.For instance  you cannot kill anybody in USA Europe or Nigeria and just walk away, the Law will catch up with you. Surah 9:5 states unequivocally, "Fight and slay the pagans wherever you find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem''  Can this instruction be called political? So when you see the members of BH going to churches to bomb and kill Christians, its not politics, they are fulfilling one of the tenets of their religion.What is Holy Jihad? Prophet Mohammad instructed his followers to kill any one who relinquishes his faith,or who opposes Islam, this is what the BH boys are obeying and they are very proud of it. Listen to their leader and spokes man and see if there is any atom or remorse in the recent killings in the ancient city of Kano. During the past election the Northern political elites were alleged to have effectively used and dumped the BH boys.To them it was mission accomplished once they win election, but for the boys a war has been declared and in war anything is fair.Remember they demanded and got written apology from two ex-governors and a serving governor.From all indication ,the war is just begining, when you consider the auternces of their spokes man Abu Quaqa, he told the Guardian of London that the sect now wants Sharia to be established across the lenght and breadth of the Nation. '' we will consider negotiation only when we have brought the government to their knees'' Once we see that things are being done according to the dictative of Allah and our memnbers released, (from cell) we will only put aside our arms, but we will not lay them down.You don't put down your arms in ISLAM you only put them aside..President GEJ played into the BH boys hand when he extended a hand of fellowship,by trying to negotiate with them if only they unmask. It was a sign of weakness on GEJ and victory to the sect. Islam does not honor agreement with unbelievers on religious matters.It does not matter where when or how it was signed.They are not obligated to honor it. The Northern elite Muslims calling for negotiation or dialogue with the sec are economical with the truth, they know they were tactically lending support to the sect so as to avoid being labeled  enemy by the BH sect. Christians should understand that it is not a sin to read the Holy least to gain knowledge and be able to reconcile what they read with the activities of Muslims..The word HUDNA is a process of establishing peace treaty with an enemy Its objective is to gain concession and to regain strength. God is said to be a Nigerian, and I thank Him that the negotiation called for by GEJ failed otherwise the BH sect would have used the truce to stockpile arms and re-strategies. That would have been the end of Nigeria state.It would have amounted to National suicide to enter into peace treaty or negotiation with Boko Haram, who will only put aside arms and not lay them down, May God help BH to change their mind & let peace reign in Nigeria, I do not believe that the Loving God will instruct anybody to go on a killing spree in His name. The Northern political forum and the Emirs, can help the Nation out of this problem. They can work together and call these boys to order. In the past it will only take a statement by the Sultan of Sokoto to bring an end to this National disgrace. ( to be continued)

Friday, January 6, 2012


An Indonesian Jihad Leader Abu Bakar Bashir, in an interview with First Post Scott Atran said"" Islam cannot be ruled by others, Allah's law must stand above human law. There is no example of Islam and infidel, the right and the wrong living together in peace'' Here lies the fundamental believe of Boko Haram.The elite Muslims who benefited from western education knows that this believe is at variance with natural justice and equity and its not enforceable. This explains the criminal silence of those who are suppose to speak  but refused to in the face of cruel murder of defenseless Christians in the North.The master-mind of Christmas day Church bombing are very happy that they have done the will of Allah and that they have a place in paradise, whereas the victims are crying to God asking for vengeance against the perpetrators of such a dastardly act. The victims believe that the hotest part of Hell is reserved for the terrorist suicide bomber..
For peace to reign in Nigeria the government should do everyting humanly possible to return this country to a sercular sstate. It will be veery difficult to mix religion and government  here, it will never work. Those who smuggled Nigeria into O.I.C. through the back door knows that it was wrong. The best solution is for the Mulims to worship their Allah in peace and if need be use only perseuaton and peaceful approach in seeking new members. In the same way Christians should go about practcing their faith with out disturbance from anybody. There is never a competition between Christians and Muslims. Since the creation of Nigeria I have never heard of Christians trying to force Muslims to accept Christ. Our Muslim brothers know quite well that it is practically impossible in todays Nigeria to force anybody to follow your religion.  We all know that, you can only force a horse to the stream but cannot force her to drink water. One thing about Christianity is that it grows rapidly under persecution.  The more you try to stop its spread by force the bigger it grows.
When Jesus Christ died and resurrected, He left 11 timid,frighted, and mostly uneducated fisher men to carry the gospel to the then known world. They achieved little, because they were afraid, but when the Holy Sprite was come and power given to them from above, their was explosion in membership which attracted persecution on them. You can't stop the Gospel of Christ by force. Devil knows this. (to be continued)


In Northern Nigeria  most of the Islamic fundamentalist are from the less educated ones. They were not privileged to have western education and in their Quranic school they were thought that Mohammed is the only true prophet of Allah and that any one who does not believe, in the Qur'an and Mohammed  is an infidel and must covert or be killed.
I will like Muslims in Nigeria who follow the teachings of Mohammed strictly as it contains in the Holy Quran to tell the world, if the religion is peaceful or violent. The Ayotollah Khomeini of Iran declared "" The purest joy in Islam is to kill or be killed for Allah'' In this 21st Century can any government allow the killing of her citizen in the name of Allah? This is the problem which President Gookluck Jonathan said has come to stay with us, and that with time it will die a natural death. If this government cannot provide security for her people, let them openly hand over to Boko Haram.
Finally I will like every Nigerian to know that Prophet Mohammed's life is divided into two parts, the tolerant years when he started Islam at Mecca and the aggressive years before he died in Medina. The Qur'an also captured vividly this two parts, which explains the reason why at times when you  discus with a Muslims especially the elite he preaches to you  from the part of the tolerant  Quran written by Prophet Mohammed in Mecca, but when they are together, they do not cease to remind themselves of the supremacy of the Quran and Islamic religion to any other and that everybody must submit to Islam..When Mohammed stated sharing his revelation with p;people he believe that a peaceful religion will attract more to him, and therefore to Islam, He was wrong because he could not swave many to his religion especially the Jews that were in Mecca.and Medina. This called for a change in strategy and introduction of raw power to force people believe his message.This is the origin of Jihad Holy war. He went about to force unbelievers to believe his message.  No body can question Holy Quran or Prophet Mohammed for that is un - Islamic, and  a denial of Allah.The truth is that Boko Haram sect are not fanatics,they are devout follows of Mohammed. They are following his example and doing what their Islamic Bible teaches them to do. (continued in next blog.)


Is Muslims permuted to tell lies under any circumstance?  ""HUDNA"" in Islam is the process of establishing covenant or peace treaty with unbelievers. All Christians in Nigeria should look at the world Hudna and get the meaning. When I see our elite Muslims in the country advocating that Government should negotiate with Hoko Haram, what comes readily into my mind is ""Hudna"" It servers two purposes, first to gain concession and the second is to regain strength for the Muslim. That means, Muslims are not obligated to keep any peace treaty with unbelievers.The elite Muslims who are beneficiaries of western Education knows that no form of negotiation with Boko Haram will be honored by the sect. Lets assume you get the Sect to a negotiation table, what will government be asking them to concede? Or better put in this way, will government be able to agree with their terms which I believe should be

1) Close all school that has to do with western education from primary to University.
2)Implement Sharia in all the states of Nigeria including Abuja the federal capital.
3)Close all churches and convert everybody in Nigeria to Muslims.

This to me is unthinkable in a secular Nigeria. Negotiating with Boko Haran Sect will not work because Islam has no place for compromise.What are Muslims thought to do to the people who reject  Islam? The answer is found in their Bible the Holy Quran.  ''Fight and slay the pagans  wherever you find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem of war'' Sura 9 vs 5..
  1. Furthermore in Surah 5 vs 33 The Holy Quran said ''The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and his messenger and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution, or calcification or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from tthe land that is their disgrace in this world, and heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter'' (continued in next page)