Monday, June 17, 2013

“Muslims believe that all the Prophets and Messengers who have come into the world to guide mankind were from one and the same God who created the universe. Thus, Prophets Ibrahim (Abraham), Ismail (Ishmael) Ishaq (Isaac), Musa (Moses), Daud (David), Isa (Jesus) and Muhammad (SWA) as well as others who preceded them or came in-between them brought the same message of monotheism through which mankind was counseled to worship one God and be upright in conduct.
As a Muslim, you cannot Believe in one of those Apostles and disbelieve in others. Neither can you believe in one of the revealed Books while disbelieving in others. That is why no true adherent of Islam will ever express foul language against the person of JESUS (CHRIST). Though the modalities for worship may differ from faith to faith and from sanctuary to sanctuary this does not change the course of their faith in only one God. Thus, the RIVALRY between Muslims and Christians especially in Nigeria over who is spiritually right or wrong is a product of IGNORANCE.
As thought by Christianity and Islam through their respective revealed Books, the areas of life that need our cooperation are by far more comprehensive than those in which we differ. For instance, both the Bible and the Qur’an counsel humanity to worship one God. They preach good deeds to neighbors and other fellow human beings in public and in private irrespective of religious linage. They advocate good care of our parents, our children, the aged ones amongst us and the handicapped. They urge kindness to our wives and leniency with our adversaries. They admonish us against cheating and any form of corruption. They forbid theft, adultery, fornication, homosexuality, lesbianism and above all the killings of fellow human beings extra-judicially for whatever reason. They also warm us against provocation, aggression, exploitation and transgression even as they emphasize the ephemerality of this world and the eventuality of the hereafter. In all these we have a common affinity to jointly guard.
The few areas in which we differ are abstract and quite personal. They are not areas in which human beings are given the power to pass judgment. Only the Almighty God can judge on them. Such are the areas which we believe will pave our ways towards Paradise. But since paradise is for individuals and not for religious blocks why are we fighting each other? After the entire journey to Paradise or Hell is a matter of choice for every individual. And no one can tell with precision who will go to Paradise or go to Hell. Such is the prerogative of God which He has net assigned to any human being and which no human being can and should arrogate to himself or herself except one who wants to play GOG!!!
As an adherent of a religion, you can only perceive your God according to your faith and that should not cause any rancor between you and adherents of any other religion. As Nigerians, we dwell in the same country, eat the same foods, drink the same water, wear similar dresses trade in the same markets and spend the same money, our children attend the same schools write the same examinations, and obtain the same certificates. We intermarry across tribes and ethnicities as well as religions, all these form a stronger bond that ought to unite us much more than the abstract ones which often threaten to separate us. In a situation where the factors, of life that unite us grossly surpass those that divide us, will it not be stupid to sacrifice unity and cooperation?
This is the time for change. We cannot wait any longer. Let the Christians in Nigeria engage in Crusade and the Muslims in Jihad against all vices in the society which their two revealed Books (Bible and Qur’an) abhor. Let all of us jointly work towards upholding the values of work towards upholding the values of life as contained in the Bible and the Qur’an that we may find ourselves in a new world of peace and harmony in the very near future. As for how we became entangled in opium and terrorism in the first place, please read FEMI ABBAS ON “THE MESSAGE” commentary in the Nation News Papers on Friday 22nd February 2013. This is an extract from Femi Abass commentary “Opium based on Ignorance” published in the Nations News paper of 15/2/13 and I believe its a must read to all Nigerians irrespective of your religion or belief. Please pass on the message of peace, A new Nigeria is possible in our Generation it begins with you. Shalom!!

There is no permanent enemy in international politic, what is permanent is National Interest. If a well known terrorist can serve America's interest, his name tag is changed automatically. Al-Qeada is one way traffic, the only language they understand is kill America and exterminate Israel. They are laud at it and this the difference between them and America.
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