Tuesday, December 30, 2014


Jonathan has done his best under a very difficult and un unfriendly environment, populated with people having bitterness and hatred
as the only gift to their father land. They set banana peel on the road for Mr. President to fall. They sabotage every programme the president designed to help the masses, and still come back to blame him for non performance. They compromise security to prove that the president is weak. They hid their children and shout that the president has kidnapped them. They swore to make the country ungovernable if they loose election and are living up to their threat. Now the latest is that if they loose again, they will form parallel government. This can only happen in a banana republic. You claim that everybody don't like the president to continue in office, all the governors, NASS members, Councillors are in your camp, yet you don't want to try your popularity in the polls. why?This people are economical with the truth. The world is a stage and we are all actors playing various rolls, once you are trough with your part either good or bad, you must leave the stage. One thing clear in life is that all of us have a different role to play, Nigeria with a population of over 160 million people can not have more than on President at a time. Love him or not, history will record that once upon a time a shoeless boy from the creeks of Nigeria become the President of Nigerian for more than 6 years, and if he wins the coming election that is an added 4 years to him either by commission or omission. It can only be God. Some in the past have longed to be made president for 24hours, but did not get that. Finally all those spoiling for war, be formed that the kind of war that will come to this country is not that Biafra type war, where you can easily identify your enemy, never. At best you will have the Liberia-type war. where big guns entere the hands of minors, and these section of the society that are already angry with the system, will kill for fun. May God not let us get to that level. Say no to violence and lawlessness, let peace reign in our land, Have a wonderful Sunday, friends, if you are in agreement, share and be free to tag yourself. Shalom.
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