Sunday, July 28, 2013

GEJ Aboeted impeachment rally.

On the aborted rally for the impeachment of Goodluck Jonathan Mr. GABRIEL ANI, has this to say,
Thank you for asking the QUESTION of the DAY. Yes, WHEN ARE THEY GOING TO HOLD A NATIONAL RALLY AGAINST BOKO HARAM and the MINDLESS SLAUGHTER of NIGERIAN CITIZENS? When are they going to rally against those who promised and delivered on their promise to "make the country ungovernable" because, believing themselves BORN TO RULE, the incumbent President Jonathan had no business winning an election? When are they going to rally against those who ILLEGALLY allocated 83% of the OIL BLOCKS to the JIHADIST NORTHERN ELITE? When are they going to rally against those who became OVERNIGHT OIL and GAS BILLIONAIRES even though they had no verifiable business entities prior to amassing their wealth? When are they going to rally against those who have remained SILENT over the DECADES of POLLUTION across the NIGER DELTA even as its CITIZENS wallow in ABJECT POVERTY and DIE PREMATURELY? When are they going to rally against those who have openly voiced their plan to ISLAMIZE NIGERIA? When are they going to rally against those who continue to import and stockpile WEAPONS of WAR all over NORTHERN NIGERIA, SOUTHERN NIGER, and NORTH-WESTERN CAMEROON? When are they going to rally against the JIHADIST NORTH whom the US WAR COLLEGE recently revealed, is PLANNING for WAR in 2015? And, when are they going to rally for a NATIONAL SOVEREIGNTY CONFERENCE (NSC) so Nigerians can finally come together to decide their FUTURE?
For those who planned this evil rally, they must answer Nigerians the above questions and more. For instance, the appropriation bill for 2013 was finally passed on 23rd of July by NASS why the delay? Why are they stock-pilling obstacles on all developmental projects enunciated by Goodluck Jonathan, and still complain that he is not performing. They send a child to go and buy salt and draw rain. What a mischiv they all are.
These people does not know the workings of Government in a democracy, or they pretend not to know, for instance the president does not have absolute powers over the budget, his part is to pass it to the National Assemble for approval, and once they approve, the president then signs it into Law. President Jonathan is like the hands of the clock, which is powered by the engine hidden inside the clock. When you see the hand of the clock moving be sure that the engine is very active. The engine is the case of Nigeria is very powerful that once they assure Oga @ the top to keep moving, these protesters are just wasting their time and resources. The Nigerian engine are made up of genuine stake holders and NEC which holders meetings regularly to deliberate on the best way forward for Nigerians.
All these gang up of blackmailers, and opportunist, who disguise themselves into an angle of light, are heating up the polity of the country to create the impression that the masses are not happy with the present government. Can you imagine that people who call themselves democrats; will even be calling for a forceful take over of the resent government, by their actions and inactions? They are envisaging, out of frustration  a situation where the kaki boys will cease power and install them president without going through the ballot boxes, and go back to the barracks. We the true Nigerians will resist this wicked plot. We have opted for American style Democracy, and will continue to improve on it during each election, nothing more nor less. They have been there since the first republic, through to all military regimes, once the system drops them, they start making the loudest noise, they weep up sentiments through ethnicity, and religion, erroneously believing that these will work them back into the present government to continue looting.

Reprobate Mind.

May god not allow mankind to get to the level of reprobacy, where our concience has been seeared, to the level of accepting gay and lesbian marriages and inserting it into our law books.
This is what the Bible has to say regarding gay and Lesbians.

"Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshiped and served the creature more than Creator, who is blessed for ever. A-men.
For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections; for even  their women did change the natural use into that which is against Nature.
And likewise also the men, burned in their lust one toward anther, men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet.
And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a REPROBATE MIND to do those things which are not convenient:" ( Romans 1:25-28)
Could it be that the world has gotten to the point of fulfilling the prophecy of the chapter of the bible. Woman to woman, Men to Men, and the worst is to bring into this madness under aged baby girls, in  form of "Girl - Child" marriage,

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Faulting the Word of God and Teachings of Jesus Christ.

Some people do not have the courage to stand the Bible and Jesus Christ. They crave and falter under hatred or false accusation; some even slander and lie against Him. The worst amongst them are the overzealous religions men and women of the world. They cannot improve their argument on issues concerning Jesus Christ and all he stood, and is standing for, including the transparent life that He led while He was on earth. They resort to raising their voices too loud, erroneously thinking that by raising their voice they will win the argument. It is my considered opinion that those who find fault and mistake with the BIBLE and JESUS CHRIST either:-
1)  They have something to lose.
2) They have something to hide,
3) They have something to protect.
  4) They are chronic sinners who do not want to repent.
  5) They are afraid that the loving Jesus will reject them considering the extent they have gone.
Jesus once asked such people a question which they were unable to answer and today their offspring are still battling in vain to pro-fare an answer to it. "Of all I did in your present, which one are you accusing me of?
He did not write a book, whatever you read or are reading, is written by those who witnessed his activities while on earth, yet people are accusing him of falsehood, what a miscarriage of justice or outright malice? At death, he prayed that God forgive those who framed and killed him for they know not what they are doing.
With His Grace and Love, His unsearchable Riches, So much hope for His life, that the gates of Hell could and cannot prevail over him, is still calling you to come and receive peace of mind and eternal life. He is now in Heaven and will soon come back to this wretched earth to judge the wicked that refused the grace of God through Jesus Christ.
PARTING SHOP> Don’t waste your precious time trying to fault the Bible or Jesus Christ, its an exercise in futility. You will discover that you have wasted your time doing nothing. For a start those who wrote the Bible did not understand what they were writing, because they were controlled by a power beyond their control, “The Holy Spirit” I am of the opinion that if the authors were in control, they would have expunged certain aspect of the Bible which condemn them. “All scripture (Bible) is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness” (2Timothy 3:16)
Hear what Isaiah one of the prophets of God in the Bible confessed when the Majesty and Glory of God were revealed to him “Then said I, Woe is me! For I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the mist of a people of unclean lips: for mine eyes have seen the King, the Lord of host”
As for Jesus Christ, my friends don’t waste your time trying to fault him, because everything about him is mysterious. To be on the safe side take as given, just like the children of kindergarten school who recite poems without knowing the meaning. Jesus said that the kingdom of God belongs to people who reason like kids. How can you explain that the man who introduced Jesus to the world does not know him? It was John the Baptist the fore-runner who, when he saw Jesus for the first time said “Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world. This is he of whom I said, after me commeth a man which is preferred before me; for he was before me. (John 1: 29b-30) In verse 31 John said, “And I knew him not: but that he should be made manifest to Israel, therefore am I come baptizing with water.  If this did not mean anything to you then, see the confusion in John the Baptist when he sent two of his disciple to enquire from Jesus Christ personally if he was the expected Messiah. “And John calling unto him two of his disciples and sent them to Jesus saying. Art thou he that should come or look we for another? (Luke 7:19) What was Christ response? “Then Jesus answering said unto them, Go your way, ad tell John what things ye have seen and heard: how that the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear,  the dead are raised, to the poor the gospel is preached. And blessed is he whosoever shall not be offended in me” (Luke 7:22-23)
About 4,000 years before Christ was born prophet proclaimed “Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. (Isaiah 7:14) People thought that this prophet has gone mad, how can a virgin conceive, very impossible, but did not bother the prophet as he went ahead to name the child. It was also prophesized that he will be born in Bethlehem, a very small town in Judea.
He was born by Virgin Mary in Bethlehem Judea; mysteriously Jesus Christ never called Mary his mother all through his ministry on earth. His life, times and death was also a mystery. After the age of 12, nobody heard about him again until he appeared suddenly at the age of 30 and by the next 3 years he has completed his assignment and off he went mysteriously into heaven. He told the people that he will die and on the third day, he will rise from death, they thought it was a huge joke, not taking anything for granted; they stationed heavily armed soldiers to guard his grave, at least for three days and see how he will accomplish a feat never heard of in the history of man.  Little did they know that the grave could not keep him captive, for even in the grave Jesus is Lord!! Going into the grave in the first place was a mission by Christ to collect the keys of Hell and set those that are bound free. He did it in style for He made an open show of the devil out of it.
How can you fault a man who thought it not robbery to be equal to God and also proved it. He walked upon the sea, made the lame walk, opened the eyes of a blind man, forgave sinners, brought money from the fish belle, feed five thousand men, excluding women and children, with five fishes and seven loves of bread, and had 12 baskets (representing 12 tribes of Israel) as left over. The only man that went to the grave of a man who died and was buried and have been inside the grave for four days and the body is already decomposing and called the dead man back to life.
The Jewish religious zealots did not find fault in him, on three occasions Pilate the Roman Governor overseeing Israel at that time did not find fault in him, the Devil did not find fault in him. All the atheist that lived after Jesus could not fault him, most of them at their dying bed regretted fighting the Lord of Glory. If after reading this post you want to continue on your wild goose chase, I wish you what you wish yourself, but my advice is that you stop wasting your time, because this same Jesus you are trying to fault will eventually be your Judge, how painful it will be when the one you fought all through your life on earth, and who is always begging you to repent and give your life to him for safety, is the same one going to judge you for eternity. Remember, that “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16) Shalom!!

Monday, July 22, 2013


Nigerians play dirty politics, this is the real reason good men of honor and integrity distance themselves from anything political in Nigeria. Evil thrives in any society when good men keeps mute in the face of tyranny and dictatorship, the result is criminality with impunity holds ware, then the masses surfer under the weight of poor leadership. Power belongs to God and He gives it to anybody whom He likes, nobody has the right to question God. But the big question is why does He give power to the people human beings consider to be stupid, morally bankrupt, clueless, weak, wicked and foolish? The Bible also provides the answer when God called Nebuchadnezzar my servant. Nebuchadnezzar God’s Servant? Yes, when the children of God deliberately disobey His laws, and go out of their way to worship strange gods, He backs their enemies to go after them in war, conquer them, and take them captive. You see the foolishness of God is wiser than the wisdom of men. Therefore who so ever is in power, pray for him always, if you cannot pray, don’t caurse or distract him in his quest to make life better for God’s people.
Nigeria copied her democracy from USA, and the practice in America is that once you took part in government at the highest level, you do not criticize government openly for anything, because your opinion may send wrong signal to the public. There is a lay down channel for past heads of state to reach out to the current leader in order to protect the country’s National Interest which supersedes personal and sectional interest. If you feel bad about a particular stand of your successor, and you cannot advice him in private, making use of the official channel, the best you can do is keep quite. When our leaders become careless in their utterance and heat up the polity which can lead to anarchy or kayos, nobody is spared. Liberia on my mind. When Samuel Doe and Charles Tailor were running their mouth wide because of personal ego, little did they know that the boys on the street were angry? By the time the situation went out of control, arms got into the hands of minor and killing of human beings became normal, non of them were left in Liberia to tell the story. One died and he other ran away, today, the one that ran away is on trial at the Hedges for war crimes.
A Liberian child ‘army’ whose nick name was ‘Devil’ confessed to journalist after the war, that he particularly enjoyed seeing people wriggle in pains before they die from his AK 47 riffle bullets. Our past leaders have a lot at stake, almost all have stolen enough for their third generation, and nobody is querying them for the loot, but rather than go home quietly and enjoy their ill gotten wealth and await the judgment of Almighty God, some are insulting our sensibilities by trying to tell us to our face that we are stupid, foolish and weak but they fail to realize that in times of crisis and war without front, nobody takes orders from any General, retired or serving. The boys under the bridge at Oshodi, have never tested the comfort of Sheraton Hotel or a private Jet, they don’t have house neither does any of their relations live at Banana Island, Lekki or Asokoro Abuja. So they have nothing to loose, its even better for them to be killed than the present life under – bridge, but you that have billions in your bank account home and abroad are the ones to bear the brunt of being a refugee in foreign land. All your properties will be destroyed and plundered by the boys and girls who are suffering as a result of your misrule. Your children will be freighted overseas with your private jets, and some will become drug addicts and will never be relevant as they would have been here.
My take is that we should join hands to maintain peace, we should seek peace and pursue it with vigor and vitality; Goodluck Jonathan may not be the best president Nigeria had and will have, but he is in control for now and whatever any Nigerian can do to help him succeed in the interest of the Nation he should do and quickly too because the events in the last few months is not the best for a country that aspire to be among the first 20 Nations of the world come 2020. Failure of President is failure of Nigeria and Nigerians. Prior to2011 general election, some prominent and highly respected members of this country collectively told the world, that if Jonathan wins the election they will make Nigeria ungovernable for all. What we are witnessing now is a direct fulfillment of that threat and let no body make mistake about it, the horse and the rider are not enjoying the rough ride at all. The poor shoeless chap from Otuake can not understand how on earth the very people who accused him of being weak in combating terror, are the ones telling us that Oga Jona has suddenly become a tiger in a China shop simple because he declared “Sate Of Emergency” in the three North east states that is well known to be a safe heaven to the terrorist. On several occasion, Mr. President has extended the olive branch by initiating peace move with the terrorist and each time the real terrorist rebuffed our president. No country on earth has ever made such concession to a terror group yet the opposition does not see any good with such gesture. In these country Law enforcement officers (Police and SSS) men were murdered by some gang of blood suckers; those who want to paint the government bad did not condemn such a dastardly art. There is no call from opposition for compensation for victim of terror in Nigeria rather they are very loud and clear in their demand for amnesty and compensation for terrorist. Where do we go from here, where has our humanity gone, are we living in isolation from the committee of Nations. The world is watching Nigerians and Nigeria as we make caricature of country that aspire to lead Africa being the largest concentration of Black people on earth. If Nigeria cannot manage herself, how can she lead Africa? Any person that had taken part in the governance of Nigeria in any capacity from 1960 till date has no moral right to advice Mr. President, because you were all part of our problems today. The damage you caused to this country is so colossal that, it will take a concerted effort of some determined leaders years to get right. Rather than leave us alone, they are still directing us to the pit while pretending to be helping us. Take for instance, OBJ the luckiest man dead or alive in Nigeria today, a man whose palm kernel was broken by benevolent spirit, a Man who ruled Nigeria twice as a Military and as a civilian for twelve good years what has he given back to Nigeria? Nothing but ‘SELF’  My Command, Not my will, Obasanjo Farms Nigeria (OFN) Obasanjo Presidential Library, Obasanjo Bell’s University, Obasanjo this Obasanjo that. When he came out of prison in 1999 it was alleged that he had only N20,000.00 But today, he is one the richest past president on earth. He is not on trial for embezzlement; he is as free as one who never severed any government in Nigeria, whose trade mark is known to be corruption.
What will Obasanjo be remembered for when he finally bid this world and the country bye, having passed the ripe old age of 75 years? I suggest:-
Here lies a retired General, Chief Olusegun Aremu,Okikilola  Obasanjo, the commander of Nigeria 3rd Marine commando who fought and conquered Biafra and received the symbol of surrender from the defeated, he ruled Nigeria from 1976 - 1979 as a soldier and as a civilian from 1999 - 2007,  he gave us ailing Musa Yaradua to succeed him, with a shoeless boy from Otuake as vice President. He was part of the machine that made Jonathan King in Nigeria, today the best he offered Nigeria is no longer good enough to be in Aso Rock Villa. Was Yaradua the choice of the North or Nigerians? Was Jonathan the choice of Niger Deltans or Nigerians? The answer is a deafening NO!! They were both the choice of the Owu Chief Olusegun Obsanjo, and he forced them on Nigerians. Rest In Perfect Peace Baba?
Today baba is openly canvassing for the Jigawa governor Alhaji Limido to prepare to replace Jonathan come 2015. I have never seen an old man looking for trouble in life like the way OBJ does. He can take the touts on a shouting match on the road if you ever confront him on a go-slow. If you fail Obj’s test of credibility and loyalty, you are on your own, if in doubt ask  Alhaji Atiku, Ayo Fayose, IBB, Tinubu, Oshoba, Orji Uzor Kalu, Mr. Fix Tony Anineh, M.K.O. Abiola, Obafemi Awolowo and now Oga @ the top President Goodluck Jonathan. When OBJ was the President of Nigeria, can anybody openly call for a regime change and go home and sleep? It is my belief that OBJ has information about the Jigawa governor which Nigerians don’t, and at the end of the day, its only Olousegun, and Aremu, and Okikilola and Obasanjo will benefit from this experiment. I am not in any way campaigning for Goodluck Jonathan, Nigerians are free to vote for anybody of their choice come 2015, but we should be careful of sponsored candidate, those who nothing to offer except that it was one godfather or the other presented him. I was in Abia state when people were spending their time and money campaigning for political post only to be informed that Mama has picked a candidate and that settles it. To be elected or selected for any post or position all you need is Mama’s endorsement and you go to sleep.
I beg all Nigerians to put their heads together and make this country work. It will be in the best interest of both the rich and the poor that Nigeria is not balkanized, the bigger the merrier. Long Live Nigeria, Long live the Masses and down trodden in our Nation.


A song writer wrote:-
 “Can a woman tenders care,
Cease towards the Child she bear?
She may be forgetful be,
But I will remember thee”.
He was just repeating what Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ said in the Bible, “Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? Yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee. He did not stop at “not forgetting you” listen to what follows:- Behold I have graven thee upon the palm of my hands; thy walls are continually before me. Thy children shall make hast, they destroyers and they that made thee waste shall go forth of thee”
For Jesus to engrave you on His palms, means that he will never leave nor forsake you in any situation. He is always by your side through your guiding angles to make sure that you did not dash your feet against the stone. It was not the alarm clock that woke you up this morning, Jesus did. If you are in doubt set the same alarm clock near a corpse and see if she will wake up though the alarm rings continuously. His promise is yeh and amen, he said come unto me all you that labor and heavy laden, and I will give you rest, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and you shall find rest unto your soul, for my yoke is easy and my burden is light.  He continues, “These things I have spoken to you, that in me you might have Peace (because he is the Prince of Peace) in the world you will have tribulation: but be of good cheers, I have overcome the world. Jesus said “I have loved you even as my father has loved me. Remain in my love. When you obey my father and remain in His love, I have told you this so that you’ll be filled with my joy. Yes your joy will overflow. I command you to love each other in the same way I love you. And here is how to measure it – the greatest love is shown when people lay down their lives for their friends. You are my friends if you obey me, I no longer call you servants, because a master does not confide in his servants. Now you are my friends since I have told you everything the father told me.
Jesus Christ, thought by example, He laid down his life for the salvation of mankind. He died that you may have eternal life; the salvation of your soul was not obtained on a platter of gold. The Bible gave a graphic detail of what Jesus went through before he died on the cross of Calvary. He went to the cross as a man who feels pains, at a point He prayed his father to let him go, but the Almighty God turned his eyes against him. He yielded to the will of His father to save me and you. No more sacrifice is needed, if you reject this final attempt of God to reconcile falling man back to Himself, you are on your own. What transpired on that Calvary tree, more than two thousand years ago, was so terrible, hear what prophet Isaiah said about the travails of Christ “When we see Him (Jesus) there is no beauty that we should desire him. He is despised and rejected of men: man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief; and we hid as it were our faces from him. He was despised and we esteemed him not.  Yet it was our weakness he carried, it was our sorrows that weighed him down, and we (even) thought his troubles were punishment from God for his own sins. (Three times Pilate confessed that ‘I find no fault in Him: Devil came to Him and finds no fault in him) But he was wounded and crushed for our sins; He was beaten that we might have peace. He was whipped and we were healed! All of us have strayed away like sheep; we have left God’s part to fellow our own. Yet the Lord lid on him the guilt and sins of us all. He was oppressed and treated harshly, yet he never said a word. He was led as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep is silent before the shearers, He did not open His mouth. From prison and trial they led him away to His death. But who among the people realized he was dying for their sin? He had done no wrong, and never deceived anyone. But He was buried like a criminal, (however) he was put in a rich man’s grave.
But He triumphed over death on the third day when he made an open show of the Devil by raising from the dead. Death could not hold him captive, testimonies of many who saw him after resurrection abounds. Today He is alive, and seated in the right hand of God in heaven where he will be coming to rapture the saints any time from now. Are you saved? Will you be among the saints to be raptured? Today is the day of salvation, tomorrow may be too late. Behold Jesus Christ as He stand and knock at your door, will you let him in or shot the door against him? The choice is yours, as for me and my family; we shall serve the Lord God of Israel. Jesus Christ is real, Christianity is not a religion, it is the way to Heaven as directed by God, when He said, this is my beloved son hear ye him. Why won’t I hear Jesus, which of his teachings is contrary to natural law equity and good faith? He never wrote a book to sell his Idea and belief on salvation to mankind, but the whole of the 66 books of the Bible were written by different authors over thousands of years apart all spoke of him, and his mission.
Dear reader, what was the offence of Christ while on earth? He raised the death, opened the eyes of the blind, made the lame walk, forgave a woman caught in adultery, and at the point of death, he forgave those who killed him in advance when he said, father forgive them for they know not what they are doing. While on the cross with few seconds to his final exit from the planet earth, he forgave the thief and promised him a place in paradise.
My take on Jesus Christ and what he stood for, is that if all the scientist, atheist, free thinkers of the world gather and proof beyond any doubt that the BIBLE is a fake document, I will still believe in Jesus Christ of Nazareth and his teachings. I find no fault in him and His teachings and the message of salvation which he brought to save my life. Remain blessed. If you want to give your life to Christ, follow me in this simple prayer:-The steps above may guide you. Lord Jesus, I am a sinner, I confess my sins before you, and ask for mercy. Let your precious blood wash me white, I receive you today as my Lord and personal saviour. Guide and show me you ways now and forever. I am born again. Thank you for saving my life today. Amen.