Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Someone once said there are witches in The Redeemed Christian Church of God in Nigeria and all over the world, and I told him there are many of them. Some of them may even be among workers, choir, wives of ministers and pastors. I also added that the church is God’s hospital and in every good hospital, you will have the worst or most challenging cases. (Daddy E. A. Adeboye)
Jesus said:- “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven” (Matthew 5:16) This is the center of the whole matter, when there is darkness, many things are hidden, the good the bad and the ugly. But when the light is switched on every thing is revealed, you can now distinguish between each. The light will also attract additional good, bad and ugly. This is the very reason you do not rule out the presence of witches and witchzards in Redeemed Christian church of God. We are still expecting more witches, occults, those possessed with evil spirit and diabolic men in the Church, if they fail to come on their own volution, we will go and bring them into the Church, so that they will have an encounter with our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. An encounter with risen Christ will definitely change their life for good, now and through out eternity. Apostle Paul on my mind!!
Apostle Paul was akin to the Leader of Nigeria’s Boko Haram in the Bible days, he hated to hear anything about Jesus Christ, and his was a legalized extermination of those who mention the name of Christ. Little did he know that Jesus Christ who is the word of God spread fastest through persecution. He got permit to perform his evil enterprise, and on the way he encountered the King of Kings, the Lion of the tribe of Judea, and became the greatest apostles of all times. “And straightway he preached Christ in the synagogues, that he is the Son of God” (Acts 9: 20)
Do you know that some of those who will take the gospel of our Lord and savior to the next level, of revival that will usher in the second coming, are still in the beer parlor both men and women, others are still at Oshodi Underbridge as touts, some are armed robbers, kidnappers, hired assassins, corrupt politicians, ritualist, waiting for the light of the Gospel to shine on them. Amongst them are the modern Apostle Paul, Peter James and John. What Daddy Adeboye has done in the Redeemed is a child’s play when compared to what Jesus Christ will do with these children of God still in darkness, all we need do is to shine the light and bring them in, are you ready? God is waiting. That convert may be a potential helper to you, Win more souls today. The great commandment is still paramount in the mind of Christ today, “Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them, they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.” (Mark 16:15-18) Jesus is calling you today into His service are you ready, speak to one person today about your salvation through the resin Christ, He said in this assignment I will never leave nor forsake, he will back up your moves with signs and wonders, He is the same yesterday, today and For ever. For spiritual help and counseling call 2348052317142, or send us a mail @ ugoharris@hotmail.com

Sunday, August 11, 2013


Kemi Omololu-Olunloyo (an investigative  Journalist reside in Ibadan Nigeria)

Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau was said to have been killed this year by the JTF. On August 3rd he surfaced in a live video. The JTF never said they killed him. According to the Central Bank of Nigeria, he made a huge withdrawal from the bank acct of a Nigerian Mega pastor.
I have revealed and exposed many stories to u on my page as an investigative, international Journalist. I even recorded a piece telling u the Christian pastors fund terrorists. U curse me constantly.
As owner of @stopvIolenceng I am appealing to Shekau to end the violence but now the Americans want him. The bounty is big.
BREAKING NEWS: That bank account belongs to David Oyedepo. Oyedepo has not been able to sue me yet cos I am about the truth and UNTOUCHABLE.
We want Nigeria back!!!
Tell all your bloggers to blog this and click share!!
Nigerian families are sick of looking like this protectiNG their families.

Stop the violence in Nigeria
Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau was said to have been killed this year by the JTF. On August 3rd he surfaced in a live video. The JTF never said they killed him. According to the Central Bank of Nigeria, he made a huge withdrawal from the bank acct of a Nigerian Megapastor. 

I have revealed and exposed many stories to u on my page as an investigation international Journalist. I even recorded a piece telling u the Christian pastors fund terrorists. U curse me constantly.

As owner of @stopvIolenceng I am appealing to Shekau to end the violence but now the Americans want him. The bounty is big.

BREAKING NEWS: That bank account belongs to David Oyedepo. Oyedepo has not been able to sue me yet cos I am about the truth and UNTOUCHABLE. 

We want Nigeria back!!!

Tell all ur bloggers to blog this and click share!!

Nigerian families are sick of looking like this protectiNG their families.



Kemi Omololu-Olunloyo (an investigative  Journalist reside in Ibadan Nigeria)
Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau was said to have been killed this year by the JTF. On August 3rd he surfaced in a live video. The JTF never said they killed him. According to the Central Bank of Nigeria, he made a huge withdrawal from the bank acct of a Nigerian Mega pastor.
I have revealed and exposed many stories to u on my page as an investigative, international Journalist. I even recorded a piece telling u the Christian pastors fund terrorists. U curse me constantly.
As owner of @stopvIolenceng I am appealing to Shekau to end the violence but now the Americans want him. The bounty is big.
BREAKING NEWS: That bank account belongs to David Oyedepo. Oyedepo has not been able to sue me yet cos I am about the truth and UNTOUCHABLE.
We want Nigeria back!!!
Tell all your bloggers to blog this and click share!!
Nigerian families are sick of looking like this protectiNG their families.

Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau was said to have been killed this year by the JTF. On August 3rd he surfaced in a live video. The JTF never said they killed him. According to the Central Bank of Nigeria, he made a huge withdrawal from the bank acct of a Nigerian Megapastor. 

I have revealed and exposed many stories to u on my page as an investigation international Journalist. I even recorded a piece telling u the Christian pastors fund terrorists. U curse me constantly.

As owner of @stopvIolenceng I am appealing to Shekau to end the violence but now the Americans want him. The bounty is big.

BREAKING NEWS: That bank account belongs to David Oyedepo. Oyedepo has not been able to sue me yet cos I am about the truth and UNTOUCHABLE. 

We want Nigeria back!!!

Tell all ur bloggers to blog this and click share!!

Nigerian families are sick of looking like this protectiNG their families.


Saturday, August 10, 2013


Rivers Crisis: Injuries of a Compromised Media

By Franklin Wosu

Since the Rivers crisis became a major issue on the nation's political front burner, the worst victim has been the media. In this case, both the traditional and the online media. The main political gladiator, the embattled Rivers State governor, Chibuike Amaechi, reaching into his very deep pockets has shattered the conscience of the media.

The societal watch-dog has been given sleeping pills and can no longer raise critical questions about happenings in the oil rich state. As a result, whatever press release is dished out by Governor Amaechi and his associates makes front-page of all leading national newspapers, while the online media use same releases time and again. The reading public is inundated with reports and features that are neither verified nor balanced.

It has become common practice for the media to sing Pro-Amaechi's songs louder than the governor himself. If governor says a word, you can be sure that it will be amplified by the media. If his associates make a statement, it will be turned into an anthem and the reading public compelled to recite this anthem, even if it founded on falsehood.

More than anytime in the history of the nation, the Rivers political crisis has shaken the foundations of the credibility of the Nigerian media. Every single report about the crisis is now received with doubt. Nobody is really sure anymore. At the beginning of the crisis, people took the media seriously, but down the line with several reports confirmed false after they have been published, readers now wait for some days to ensure that what they read was the truth or otherwise.

Worse hit by this objectivity crisis are newspapers that are considered opposition newspapers. These newspapers have found the Rivers crisis a gold mine for false and concocted reports. One of them located in Ikeja spins all manner of falsehood about developments in the state to the detriment of the larger image of the media. A New York based online opposition medium has taken reportage of falsehood on Rivers crisis to a ridiculous level.

The operational philosophy of these opposition newspapers is the faulted maxim that if a lie is repeated so often, it metamorphoses to the truth or is considered to be the truth. Nothing could be further from reality. Working on this false baseline has eroded the trust the readers have on these media organisations, because they eventually discover the truth.

I will give two examples to illustrate my position before concluding this piece. First, was the incident at the Port Harcourt International Airport. Governor Chibuike Amaechi and the Minister of State for Education, Ezenwo Nyesom Wike received President Goodluck Jonathan who was on his way to Abuja from Bayelsa. On that day, the independent media were not there because it was a security movement. The Rivers Statte government was informed on the premise of protocol requirement, while the Minister of State for Education was part of the President's advance team.

It was only natural that both parties brought their teams to gain political mileage. However, Amaechi's propaganda team took it to the extreme. They sent out a press release claiming that the President had shunned the Minister of State for Education, Barr Wike and the state PDP executives. To buttress this falsehood, the released pictures of the President exchanging pleasantries with Amaechi. The very next day, all newspapers published the pictures and report on their front page. Sadly, most newspapers only added the byline of their reporters, without cross-checking the details. None of them called Barr. Wike's office to hear his side. After all, he deep pocket has spoken.

Secondly, none of the papers cared to find out that Barr. Wike and the Rivers Deputy Governor, Tele Ikuru had harmoniously received President Jonathan on his way to Bayelsa from Abuja.

When the entire pictures of the airport incident were released, only one newspaper had the courage to published one of the pictures. A few others published the corrective news release from Wike's camp. Interestingly, in the published picture, whilst the President shook hands with the Minister of State for Education, Amaechi looked away, sad. Other pictures of the event published online showed the President shaking hands with members of the State PDP and other stakeholders at the airport.

The second event was the fracas at the Rivers State House of Assembly. Both the pro and anti Amaechi lawmakers plotted their political graphs without informing media representatives to cover. On the day, after the fights, the majority leader, Chidi Lloyd, conspiring with Governor Amaechi checked himself into the Government House clinic. The Amaechi propagandists misled the media, who celebrated Lloyd as the victim of the assault. One prominent columnist in an Apapa based respected national newspaper defied all known logic to write a commentary on the issue the very next day when all facts had not been laid bare. Someone said he was thinking from his pocket.

However, the real video was released the following afternoon and the truth overtook the lies the media sold to Nigerians on the altar of their inordinate friendship with Amaechi. Chidi Lloyd was caught on video attempting to kill Hon. Michael Chinda. Most of the traditional and online media have pretended not to know that Amaechi personally supervised the attempted murder. They have pretended not to know the facts of the matter.

Amaechi's personal security details participated actively in the fracas, instead, the media have chosen to dwell on Mbu Joseph Mbu, the commissioner of Police whose only offence is that Govenor Amaechi has declared him guilty. Since the "Mbu must go" mantra, nobody has pointed out his offence. The claim that the security situation in the state has deteriorated is not supported by any data. There has been no explosion of security conflict in the state, except for the fact the Mbu has rejected every attempt to get the people involved through sponsored street protests. If the conflict that took place in Warri had happened in Rivers State, Amaechi and his hired hands in the media would sang Mbu's name to deafening pitch.

Aside the two clear factual cases pointed out, there is the clear case of correspondents domiciled in Rivers State, with active support of their editors have chosen to cover functions convened by opponents of their benefactor Governor Amaechi with an eye for the absurd. At such events, the reporters sit quietly and ignore all speeches made, seeking out an area that will generate conflicts in the polity. For Amaechi's events, they await press releases and the follow up to those releases.

To me, the Rivers Political crisis engineered and fuelled by Governor Amaechi and his opposition friends will come to pass, same way that Amaechi's tenure will end, latest May 29, 2015. But the media will remain. How will the people judge the media after months of falsehood sponsored by a desperate governor intent on foisting his political interests on his people. Beyond the goodies being enjoyed at present, major stakeholders of the media must rise up and address the damage that Amaechi has inflicted on the media.

The editors in Lagos and Abuja must take a second look at the falsehood being dished to them by resident reporters and the Government House, Port Harcourt Press Unit. Nigerians deserve better reportage and analyses of Rivers crisis other than what they are presently being served. The quantum of falsehood being dished out is insulting to the intelligence of the people and the injuries being inflicted on the people are deadly. They cannot afford to continue playing the Ostrich. To always cast Amaechi and his associates as men who can do no wrong is standing logic on its head. Rather funny editorials were written on the Rivers Assembly crisis, but none of them apportioned blame to Amaechi. Instead, they were busy pointing thir fingers in distant places. That's why Amaechi is bold enough to set up a kangaroo judicial commission of inquiry to investigate a crisis he personally masterminded and supervised.

Credible media professionals must hasten to work towards checking the excesses of merchants assisting Amaechi to destroy the foundation upon which the media stand. To do otherwise would be to allow these paid merchants get away with their trading of news and analyses. In short, the media will end up being the worst victim of the Rivers political crisis. That is what Amaechi and his friends in the opposition and working hard at.

Franklin Wosu is the President of Rivers Progressive Committee

Thursday, August 8, 2013


People with little mind will jump into conclusion that yours truly Mr. Harris Eluwah and all the praise singers in PDP and fair “weather friends” across the political dived are the best friends of Mr. President, and that the first among his prayer warriors are Aso Rock Chaplin, Pastor E. A. Adeboye Daddy “GO” of Redeemed Christian Church of God and possible Bishop Ayo Orisajiofor the president of CAN. Friends you are dead wrong. The real people sustaining Goodluck Jonathan in office are:-
1)    Those whose past time is to curse Mr. President.
2)    Those who on daily basis insult Goodluck on face book, News papers radio and Television.
3)    The opposition parties whose brand of opposition is to oppose every thing either good or bad. Thereby deceiving the masses with lies coated with sugar.
4)    Those with pathological hatred on Mr. President for no just cause except envy.
5)    Those corrupt politicians who at one time or the other severed in the same political party with Mr. President but were edged out by change.
6)    Those who stole money from government and are having cases with EFCC but have suddenly turned activist and role model believing that gullible Nigerians are also dumb.
7)    Finally those insidious friends of Mr. President who in their closet are daily praying for him to fail, so that they will replace him.
These group cut across board, amongst them are Christians, Muslims, Traditionalist, Atheist, Free Thinkers and the traumatized and deceived masses on Nigeria. They have now constituted themselves into a formidable foe and enemies of the President and his Government. Their actions and inactions have provoked and is still provoking Almighty Gods Mercy on President Goodluck Ebele Azikiwe Jonathan, in fulfillment of His world which He values more than His name. See what the word of God said in the Bible regarding the above. “Do not rejoice when your enemies fall into trouble. Don’t be happy when they stumble. For the Lord will be displeased with you and will turn his anger away from them” (Proverbs 24:17-18) This is exactly what King David knew when he asked his mighty men not to touch Shemei the Benjamite who cursed him when David was on the run to save his life from his enemies. “---let him alone, and let him curse; for the Lord hat bidden him. It may be that the Lord will look on mine affliction and that the Lord will requite me good for his cursing this day”. (2 Samuel 16: 11b – 12) This Shemei the Benjamite did not stop at cursing, he followed David along his part hauling stone and dust on the anointed king of Israel.
So for those of you out there who have flagrantly disobeyed God’s words as regards those in Government and have authority over you out of envy and jealousy, never you expect the result will be in your favor. You do not get positive result out of disobedience. “Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fats of rams. (21 Samuel 15: 22b) “Obey the government, for God is the one who put it there. All governments have been placed in power by God. So those who refuse to obey the law of the land are refusing to obey God, and punishment will follow. (Romans 13:1-2) It is in the collective interest of Nigerians that peace should reign. War has never resolved any country’s problem on earth. Bullet has no respect for anybody, either in government or outside. Forget all that talk of bravery and courage, by Nigerian activists, opposition parties and out of office politicians, when death comes face to face with you and says follow me, even the strongest of men will tremble and fear. Hitler ran away and committed suicide in a secret bunker out of fear, Osama Bin laden, it was alleged pleaded for his captors to spare his life, Lawrence Anini a one time “unelected” governor of Bendel state pleaded for his life to be spared. Major Al- Mustafa whose fear is the beginning of wisdom to all generals during the reign of the dark googled one in Abuja became a prayer warrior when death sentence was passed on him. Need I say more, time and space will not permit me to role out the names of supposed warriors who chickened out at the point of death.
Finally, pray for Mr. President and those in authority.  Pray for Nigeria in distress, for the days are evil. The burden of leadership is not easy; the Devil knows that, smite the shepherd and all the sheep will scatter. “If my people which are called by my name will humble themselves and pray, and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. (2 Chronicles 7:14)
 I am a firm believe that a New Nigeria is possible in our generation; it begins with me and you. Change your character, attitude and perception about our nation, believe and confess positive and the God I serve will perfect it. Shalom****