Tuesday, August 6, 2013


The famous American actor SYLVESTER STALLONE has made a very important decision in his life. Did he film another movie? NO. He has surrendered his life to the Lord Jesus Christ, and announced it to the public several days ago. However, there's hardly been any information about it. If he had announced he was GAY, the TV shows and all the media and newspapers would have given it full coverage. Why hasn't this announcement -accepting Jesus as Saviour- not hit the news? Because it has no rating, it pays no publicity and it is politically dangerous. I have therefore decided to announce it here, in Facebook, because there was a great celebration that took place in Heaven. Let's all share this and celebrate it! MY LOVE TO YOU, DEAR BROTHER SYLVESTER!

El famoso actor estadounidense SYLVESTER STALLONE acaba de tomar una decisión muy importante en su vida. ¿Grabó otra película? NO. Ha rendido su vida al Señor Jesucristo y lo anunció al público días atrás. No obstante, casi no ha habido información al respecto. Si hubiese anunciado que era GAY, los programas de TV y todos los medios y periódicos le habrían dado mucha cobertura. ¿Por qué esta declaración -el aceptar a Jesús- no ha llegado a las noticias de último momento? Porque no da rating, no paga publicidad, y se considera políticamente "peligroso". He decidido por tanto anunciarlo aquí, en Facebook, porque hubo una gran celebración que ocurrió en el cielo. Compartamos todos esto y celebrémoslo. ¡TE MANDO MI AMOR, QUERIDO HERMANO SYLVESTER!

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