Tuesday, August 6, 2013



The opposition in Nigerian politics do not have patriotic strategist who can forecast with pin point accuracy the signs of the times in Nigeria. This is the sad reason why they have lost the elections before presenting their presidential hopeful to the Nation. Now that the face of opposition is known to everybody at home and abroad in the position of the newly registered All Progressive Congress (APC) the conveners should do a surgical reappraisal of all their past strategies with the view of finding the best option to defeat PDP at the pools and rescue Nigeria from imminent collapse on of before 2015. As at today, politically PDP is the Champion having being in Government and have the power for the past 14 uninterrupted years, and you don’t win such a Champion by chance. The opposition should be mindful that a Champion will not fold his hand for you to come and disgrace him and take the crown just like that, they will first fight the conventional way for the world to see and believe that they are fair, but I wan to assure you that whenever the battle seems tilted against them, they will go full blast and unleash every available weapon in their arsenal to make sure that they stay in power. What we look at today as crisis in PDP is a well rehashed script being acted out with precision by members to achieve a set objective, which is to stay in power for ever.
I caught the revelation on how to ease PDP out of power without violence and they will not even know that power has left them which is better for all Nigerians. But for obvious reasons I will never disclose it on the face of face book. From all indication, the APC is under estimating the power behind PDP to their own peril. Its either they are all part of hidden branch of PDP with a different nomenclature or they are jokers.  Let me first state here unequivocally that Nigerian masses loose because all the Big corporations’, institutions, and politicians are on the same side. Here nobody talks about morals, they pay little attention to legality, once their interest and that of their friends and family is covered the rest of us can go hung a transformer. When Atiku won the nomination of Northern Elders Forum as a candidate of the North in 2011, there was jubilation at Aso Rock, Now that APC has been registered, the jubilation and celebration continues. They are not threatened at all, the squabbles if any at PDP comes out of dispute on mode of sharing our collective patrimony, and never from APC which they use to crack jokes at ever cock tail party they hold.

For a start if the opposition thinks that by constantly exposing the corruption perpetrated by members of both past and present PDP political office holders will make Nigerians to vote them out, you are of all men most miserable, and the out come of 2015 will send many to commit suicide because of heavy financial loses from campaign spending. The masses that you want to “rescue” have been so traumatized to the level that their sense of value have been corrupted and twisted to accept Evil as the way of life. What is paramount on their mind is how to replace a corrupt officer and make double his own loot. About 90% of the so called traumatized masses are daily conducting vigil, asking God to give them opportunity to enter government and loot their own share of National cake. They are not even afraid to ask God to help them on their way to steal, little did they know that God knows their evil intention and this is why God gave them over to reprobate mind.  “And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness. (2 Thess 2:11-12) The almighty God is not unmindful of the goings on in Nigeria, that evil have covered the land, “And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient. (Romans 1:28)
You may not understand the level our country has descended into , by the hands of perverse and crooked  politicians across board who are morally bankrupt and wicked, they do not value the lives of the poor in the land, they only regards us as numbers.  If you still don’t understand, check out the role call at the recent celebration of Jailed Ex-Governor of Delta State James Ibori’s, 55th Birth Day party at his country home in Ogere by two of his daughters. It is made up of who is who in Nigerian Politics across board. Those who occupy sensitive position in government today, both at state and National level secretly send their solidarity message by proxy. The masses were there too for their stomach’s sake, do you blame them? Of course, I don’t because a hungry man does not listen to sermon.

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